Name | Value |
[1mNAME[0m | |
exiftool - Read and write meta information in files | |
| |
[1mSYNOPSIS[0m | |
[1mReading[0m | |
[1mexiftool[0m [[4mOPTIONS[0m] [-[4mTAG[0m...] [--[4mTAG[0m...] [4mFILE[0m... | |
| |
[1mWriting[0m | |
[1mexiftool[0m [[4mOPTIONS[0m] -[4mTAG[0m[+-<]=[[4mVALUE[0m]... [4mFILE[0m... | |
| |
[1mCopying[0m | |
[1mexiftool[0m [[4mOPTIONS[0m] [1m-tagsFromFile[0m [4mSRCFILE[0m [-[4mSRCTAG[0m[>[4mDSTTAG[0m]...] [4mFILE[0m... | |
| |
[1mOther[0m | |
[1mexiftool[0m [ [1m-ver[0m | [1m-list[0m[[1mw[0m|[1mf[0m|[1mr[0m|[1mwf[0m|[1mg[0m[[4mNUM[0m]|[1md[0m|[1mx[0m] ] | |
| |
For specific examples, see the EXAMPLES sections below. | |
| |
This documentation is displayed if exiftool is run without an input | |
[4mFILE[0m when one is expected. | |
| |
A command-line interface to Image | :ExifTool, used for reading and writing |
meta information in a variety of file types. [4mFILE[0m is one or more source | |
file names, directory names, or "-" for the standard input. Metadata is | |
read from source files and printed in readable form to the console (or | |
written to output text files with [1m-w[0m). | |
| |
To write or delete metadata, tag values are assigned using -[4mTAG[0m=[[4mVALUE[0m], | |
and/or the [1m-geotag[0m, [1m-csv=[0m or [1m-json=[0m options. To copy or move metadata, the | |
[1m-tagsFromFile[0m feature is used. By default the original files are preserved | |
with "_original" appended to their names -- be sure to verify that the new | |
files are OK before erasing the originals. Once in write mode, exiftool | |
will ignore any read-specific options. | |
| |
Note | If [4mFILE[0m is a directory name then only supported file types in the |
directory are processed (in write mode only writable types are processed). | |
However, files may be specified by name, or the [1m-ext[0m option may be used to | |
force processing of files with any extension. Hidden files in the | |
directory are also processed. Adding the [1m-r[0m option causes subdirectories | |
to be processed recursively, but subdirectories with names beginning with | |
"." are skipped unless [1m-r.[0m is used. | |
| |
Below is a list of file types and meta information formats currently | |
supported by ExifTool (r = read, w = write, c = create) | |
| |
File Types | |
------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+------------ | |
360 r/w | DPX r | ITC r | NUMBERS r | RAM r | |
3FR r | DR4 r/w/c | J2C r | O r | RAR r | |
3G2 r/w | DSS r | JNG r/w | ODP r | RAW r/w | |
3GP r/w | DV r | JP2 r/w | ODS r | RIFF r | |
A r | DVB r/w | JPEG r/w | ODT r | RSRC r | |
AA r | DVR-MS r | JSON r | OFR r | RTF r | |
AAE r | DYLIB r | JXL r | OGG r | RW2 r/w | |
AAX r/w | EIP r | K25 r | OGV r | RWL r/w | |
ACR r | EPS r/w | KDC r | ONP r | RWZ r | |
AFM r | EPUB r | KEY r | OPUS r | RM r | |
AI r/w | ERF r/w | LA r | ORF r/w | SEQ r | |
AIFF r | EXE r | LFP r | ORI r/w | SKETCH r | |
APE r | EXIF r/w/c | LNK r | OTF r | SO r | |
ARQ r/w | EXR r | LRV r/w | PAC r | SR2 r/w | |
ARW r/w | EXV r/w/c | M2TS r | PAGES r | SRF r | |
ASF r | F4A/V r/w | M4A/V r/w | PBM r/w | SRW r/w | |
AVI r | FFF r/w | MACOS r | PCD r | SVG r | |
AVIF r/w | FITS r | MAX r | PCX r | SWF r | |
AZW r | FLA r | MEF r/w | PDB r | THM r/w | |
BMP r | FLAC r | MIE r/w/c | PDF r/w | TIFF r/w | |
BPG r | FLIF r/w | MIFF r | PEF r/w | TORRENT r | |
BTF r | FLV r | MKA r | PFA r | TTC r | |
CHM r | FPF r | MKS r | PFB r | TTF r | |
COS r | FPX r | MKV r | PFM r | TXT r | |
CR2 r/w | GIF r/w | MNG r/w | PGF r | VCF r | |
CR3 r/w | GPR r/w | MOBI r | PGM r/w | VRD r/w/c | |
CRM r/w | GZ r | MODD r | PLIST r | VSD r | |
CRW r/w | HDP r/w | MOI r | PICT r | WAV r | |
CS1 r/w | HDR r | MOS r/w | PMP r | WDP r/w | |
CSV r | HEIC r/w | MOV r/w | PNG r/w | WEBP r | |
CZI r | HEIF r/w | MP3 r | PPM r/w | WEBM r | |
DCM r | HTML r | MP4 r/w | PPT r | WMA r | |
DCP r/w | ICC r/w/c | MPC r | PPTX r | WMV r | |
DCR r | ICS r | MPG r | PS r/w | WTV r | |
DFONT r | IDML r | MPO r/w | PSB r/w | WV r | |
DIVX r | IIQ r/w | MQV r/w | PSD r/w | X3F r/w | |
DJVU r | IND r/w | MRC r | PSP r | XCF r | |
DLL r | INSP r/w | MRW r/w | QTIF r/w | XLS r | |
DNG r/w | INSV r | MXF r | R3D r | XLSX r | |
DOC r | INX r | NEF r/w | RA r | XMP r/w/c | |
DOCX r | ISO r | NRW r/w | RAF r/w | ZIP r | |
| |
Meta Information | |
----------------------+----------------------+--------------------- | |
EXIF r/w/c | CIFF r/w | Ricoh RMETA r | |
GPS r/w/c | AFCP r/w | Picture Info r | |
IPTC r/w/c | Kodak Meta r/w | Adobe APP14 r | |
XMP r/w/c | FotoStation r/w | MPF r | |
MakerNotes r/w/c | PhotoMechanic r/w | Stim r | |
Photoshop IRB r/w/c | JPEG 2000 r | DPX r | |
ICC Profile r/w/c | DICOM r | APE r | |
MIE r/w/c | Flash r | Vorbis r | |
JFIF r/w/c | FlashPix r | SPIFF r | |
Ducky APP12 r/w/c | QuickTime r | DjVu r | |
PDF r/w/c | Matroska r | M2TS r | |
PNG r/w/c | MXF r | PE/COFF r | |
Canon VRD r/w/c | PrintIM r | AVCHD r | |
Nikon Capture r/w/c | FLAC r | ZIP r | |
GeoTIFF r/w/c | ID3 r | (and more) | |
| |
[1mOPTIONS[0m | |
Case is not significant for any command-line option (including tag and | |
group names), except for single-character options when the corresponding | |
upper-case option exists. Many single-character options have equivalent | |
long-name versions (shown in brackets), and some options have inverses | |
which are invoked with a leading double-dash. Unrecognized options are | |
interpreted as tag names (for this reason, multiple single-character | |
options may NOT be combined into one argument). Contrary to standard | |
practice, options may appear after source file names on the exiftool | |
command line. | |
| |
[1mOption Overview[0m | |
Tag operations | |
| |
-TAG or --TAG Extract or exclude specified tag | |
-TAG[+-^]=[VALUE] Write new value for tag | |
-TAG[+-]<=DATFILE Write tag value from contents of file | |
-TAG[+-] | |
| |
-tagsFromFile SRCFILE Copy tag values from file | |
-x TAG (-exclude) Exclude specified tag | |
| |
Input-output text formatting | |
| |
-args (-argFormat) Format metadata as exiftool arguments | |
-b (-binary) Output metadata in binary format | |
-c FMT (-coordFormat) Set format for GPS coordinates | |
-charset [[TYPE=]CHARSET] Specify encoding for special characters | |
-csv[[+]=CSVFILE] Export/import tags in CSV format | |
-csvDelim STR Set delimiter for CSV file | |
-d FMT (-dateFormat) Set format for date/time values | |
-D (-decimal) Show tag ID numbers in decimal | |
-E,-ex,-ec (-escape(HTML|XML|C))Escape tag values for HTML, XML or C | |
-f (-forcePrint) Force printing of all specified tags | |
-g[NUM...] (-groupHeadings) Organize output by tag group | |
-G[NUM...] (-groupNames) Print group name for each tag | |
-h (-htmlFormat) Use HTML formatting for output | |
-H (-hex) Show tag ID numbers in hexadecimal | |
-htmlDump[OFFSET] Generate HTML-format binary dump | |
-j[[+]=JSONFILE] (-json) Export/import tags in JSON format | |
-l (-long) Use long 2-line output format | |
-L (-latin) Use Windows Latin1 encoding | |
-lang [LANG] Set current language | |
-listItem INDEX Extract specific item from a list | |
-n (--printConv) No print conversion | |
-p FMTFILE (-printFormat) Print output in specified format | |
-php Export tags as a PHP Array | |
-s[NUM] (-short) Short output format | |
-S (-veryShort) Very short output format | |
-sep STR (-separator) Set separator string for list items | |
-sort Sort output alphabetically | |
-struct Enable output of structured information | |
-t (-tab) Output in tab-delimited list format | |
-T (-table) Output in tabular format | |
-v[NUM] (-verbose) Print verbose messages | |
-w[+|!] EXT (-textOut) Write (or overwrite!) output text files | |
-W[+|!] FMT (-tagOut) Write output text file for each tag | |
-Wext EXT (-tagOutExt) Write only specified file types with -W | |
-X (-xmlFormat) Use RDF/XML output format | |
| |
Processing control | |
| |
-a (-duplicates) Allow duplicate tags to be extracted | |
-e (--composite) Do not generate composite tags | |
-ee[NUM] (-extractEmbedded) Extract information from embedded files | |
-ext[+] EXT (-extension) Process files with specified extension | |
-F[OFFSET] (-fixBase) Fix the base for maker notes offsets | |
-fast[NUM] Increase speed when extracting metadata | |
-fileOrder[NUM] [-]TAG Set file processing order | |
-i DIR (-ignore) Ignore specified directory name | |
-if[NUM] EXPR Conditionally process files | |
-m (-ignoreMinorErrors) Ignore minor errors and warnings | |
-o OUTFILE (-out) Set output file or directory name | |
-overwrite_original Overwrite original by renaming tmp file | |
-overwrite_original_in_place Overwrite original by copying tmp file | |
-P (-preserve) Preserve file modification date/time | |
-password PASSWD Password for processing protected files | |
-progress[ | [TITLE]] Show file progress count |
-q (-quiet) Quiet processing | |
-r[.] (-recurse) Recursively process subdirectories | |
-scanForXMP Brute force XMP scan | |
-u (-unknown) Extract unknown tags | |
-U (-unknown2) Extract unknown binary tags too | |
-wm MODE (-writeMode) Set mode for writing/creating tags | |
-z (-zip) Read/write compressed information | |
| |
Other options | |
| |
-@ ARGFILE Read command-line arguments from file | |
-k (-pause) Pause before terminating | |
-list[w|f|wf|g[NUM]|d|x] List various exiftool capabilities | |
-ver Print exiftool version number | |
-- End of options | |
| |
Special features | |
| |
-geotag TRKFILE Geotag images from specified GPS log | |
-globalTimeShift SHIFT Shift all formatted date/time values | |
-use MODULE Add features from plug-in module | |
| |
Utilities | |
| |
-delete_original[!] Delete "_original" backups | |
-restore_original Restore from "_original" backups | |
| |
Advanced options | |
| |
-api OPT[[^]=[VAL]] Set ExifTool API option | |
-common_args Define common arguments | |
-config CFGFILE Specify configuration file name | |
-echo[NUM] TEXT Echo text to stdout or stderr | |
-efile[NUM][!] ERRFILE Save names of files with errors | |
-execute[NUM] Execute multiple commands on one line | |
-list_dir List directories, not their contents | |
-srcfile FMT Process a different source file | |
-stay_open FLAG Keep reading -@ argfile even after EOF | |
-userParam PARAM[[^]=[VAL]] Set user parameter (API UserParam opt) | |
| |
[1mOption Details[0m | |
Tag operations | |
[1m-[0m[4mTAG[0m Extract information for the specified tag (eg. "-CreateDate"). | |
Multiple tags may be specified in a single command. A tag name is the | |
handle by which a piece of information is referenced. See | |
Image | :ExifTool::TagNames for documentation on available tag names. A |
tag name may include leading group names separated by colons (eg. | |
"-EXIF | CreateDate", or "-Doc1:XMP:Creator"), and each group name may |
be prefixed by a digit to specify family number (eg. "-1IPTC | City"). |
Use the [1m-listg[0m option to list available group names by family. | |
| |
A special tag name of "All" may be used to indicate all meta | |
information (ie. [1m-All[0m). This is particularly useful when a group name | |
is specified to extract all information in a group (but beware that | |
unless the [1m-a[0m option is also used, some tags in the group may be | |
suppressed by same-named tags in other groups). The wildcard | |
characters "?" and "*" may be used in a tag name to match any single | |
character and zero or more characters respectively. These may not be | |
used in a group name, with the exception that a group name of "*" (or | |
"All") may be used to extract all instances of a tag (as if [1m-a[0m was | |
used). Note that arguments containing wildcards must be quoted on the | |
command line of most systems to prevent shell globbing. | |
| |
A "#" may be appended to the tag name to disable the print conversion | |
on a per-tag basis (see the [1m-n[0m option). This may also be used when | |
writing or copying tags. | |
| |
If no tags are specified, all available information is extracted (as | |
if "-All" had been specified). | |
| |
Note | Descriptions, not tag names, are shown by default when |
extracting information. Use the [1m-s[0m option to see the tag names | |
instead. | |
| |
[1m--[0m[4mTAG[0m | |
Exclude specified tag from extracted information. Same as the [1m-x[0m | |
option. Group names and wildcards are permitted as described above | |
for [1m-TAG[0m. Once excluded from the output, a tag may not be re-included | |
by a subsequent option. May also be used following a | |
[1m-tagsFromFile[0m option to exclude tags from being copied (when | |
redirecting to another tag, it is the source tag that should be | |
excluded), or to exclude groups from being deleted when deleting all | |
information (eg. "-all= --exif | all" deletes all but EXIF |
information). But note that this will not exclude individual tags | |
from a group delete (unless a family 2 group is specified, see note 4 | |
below). Instead, individual tags may be recovered using the | |
[1m-tagsFromFile[0m option (eg. "-all= -tagsfromfile @ -artist"). | |
| |
[1m-[0m[4mTAG[0m[+-^][1m=[0m[[4mVALUE[0m] | |
Write a new value for the specified tag (eg. "-comment=wow"), or | |
delete the tag if no [4mVALUE[0m is given (eg. "-comment="). "+=" and "-=" | |
are used to add or remove existing entries from a list, or to shift | |
date/time values (see Image | and note 6 below for |
more details). "+=" may also be used to increment numerical values | |
(or decrement if [4mVALUE[0m is negative), and "-=" may be used to | |
conditionally delete or replace a tag (see "WRITING EXAMPLES" for | |
examples). "^=" is used to write an empty string instead of deleting | |
the tag when no [4mVALUE[0m is given, but otherwise it is equivalent to | |
"=". | |
| |
[4mTAG[0m may contain one or more leading family 0, 1, 2 or 7 group names, | |
prefixed by optional family numbers, and separated colons. If no | |
group name is specified, the tag is created in the preferred group, | |
and updated in any other location where a same-named tag already | |
exists. The preferred group is the first group in the following list | |
where [4mTAG[0m is valid | 1) EXIF, 2) IPTC, 3) XMP. |
| |
The wildcards "*" and "?" may be used in tag names to assign the same | |
value to multiple tags. When specified with wildcards, "unsafe" tags | |
are not written. A tag name of "All" is equivalent to "*" (except | |
that it doesn't require quoting, while arguments with wildcards do on | |
systems with shell globbing), and is often used when deleting all | |
metadata (ie. "-All=") or an entire group (eg. "-XMP-dc | All=", see |
note 4 below). Note that not all groups are deletable, and that the | |
JPEG APP14 "Adobe" group is not removed by default with "-All=" | |
because it may affect the appearance of the image. However, color | |
space information is removed, so the colors may be affected (but this | |
may be avoided by copying back the tags defined by the ColorSpaceTags | |
shortcut). Use the [1m-listd[0m option for a complete list of deletable | |
groups, and see note 5 below regarding the "APP" groups. Also, within | |
an image some groups may be contained within others, and these groups | |
are removed if the containing group is deleted | |
| |
JPEG Image | |
- Deleting EXIF or IFD0 also deletes ExifIFD, GlobParamIFD, | |
GPS, IFD1, InteropIFD, MakerNotes, PrintIM and SubIFD. | |
- Deleting ExifIFD also deletes InteropIFD and MakerNotes. | |
- Deleting Photoshop also deletes IPTC. | |
| |
TIFF Image | |
- Deleting EXIF only removes ExifIFD which also deletes | |
InteropIFD and MakerNotes. | |
| |
Notes | |
| |
1) [1mMany tag values may be assigned in a single command[0m. If two | |
assignments affect the same tag, the latter takes precedence (except | |
for list-type tags, for which both values are written). | |
| |
2) In general, MakerNotes tags are considered "Permanent", and may be | |
edited but not created or deleted individually. This avoids many | |
potential problems, including the inevitable compatibility problems | |
with OEM software which may be very inflexible about the information | |
it expects to find in the maker notes. | |
| |
3) Changes to PDF files by ExifTool are reversible (by deleting the | |
update with "-PDF-update | all=") because the original information is |
never actually deleted from the file. So ExifTool alone may not be | |
used to securely edit metadata in PDF files. | |
| |
4) Specifying "-GROUP | all=" deletes the entire group as a block only |
if a single family 0 or 1 group is specified. Otherwise all deletable | |
tags in the specified group(s) are removed individually, and in this | |
case is it possible to exclude individual tags from a mass delete. | |
For example, "-time | all --Exif:Time:All" removes all deletable Time |
tags except those in the EXIF. This difference also applies if family | |
2 is specified when deleting all groups. For example, "-2all | all=" |
deletes tags individually, while "-all | all=" deletes entire blocks. |
| |
5) The "APP" group names ("APP0" through "APP15") are used to delete | |
JPEG application segments which are not associated with another | |
deletable group. For example, specifying "-APP14 | All=" will NOT |
delete the APP14 "Adobe" segment because this is accomplished with | |
"-Adobe | All". |
| |
6) When shifting a value, the shift is applied to the original value | |
of the tag, overriding any other values previously assigned to the | |
tag on the same command line. To shift a date/time value and copy it | |
to another tag in the same operation, use the [1m-globalTimeShift[0m | |
option. | |
| |
Special feature | Integer values may be specified in hexadecimal with |
a leading "0x", and simple rational values may be specified as | |
fractions. | |
| |
[1m-[0m[4mTAG[0m<=[4mDATFILE[0m or [1m-[0m[4mTAG[0m<=[4mFMT[0m | |
Set the value of a tag from the contents of file [4mDATFILE[0m. The file | |
name may also be given by a [4mFMT[0m string where %d, %f and %e represent | |
the directory, file name and extension of the original [4mFILE[0m (see the | |
[1m-w[0m option for more details). Note that quotes are required around | |
this argument to prevent shell redirection since it contains a "<" | |
symbol. If [4mDATFILE[0m/[4mFMT[0m is not provided, the effect is the same as | |
"-TAG=", and the tag is simply deleted. "+<=" or "-<=" may also be | |
used to add or delete specific list entries, or to shift date/time | |
values. | |
| |
[1m-tagsFromFile[0m [4mSRCFILE[0m or [4mFMT[0m | |
Copy tag values from [4mSRCFILE[0m to [4mFILE[0m. Tag names on the command line | |
after this option specify the tags to be copied, or excluded from the | |
copy. Wildcards are permitted in these tag names. If no tags are | |
specified, then all possible tags (see note 1 below) from the source | |
file are copied to same-named tags in the preferred location of the | |
output file (the same as specifying "-all"). More than one | |
[1m-tagsFromFile[0m option may be used to copy tags from multiple files. | |
| |
By default, this option will update any existing and writable | |
same-named tags in the output [4mFILE[0m, but will create new tags only in | |
their preferred groups. This allows some information to be | |
automatically transferred to the appropriate group when copying | |
between images of different formats. However, if a group name is | |
specified for a tag then the information is written only to this | |
group (unless redirected to another group, see below). If "All" is | |
used as a group name, then the specified tag(s) are written to the | |
same family 1 group they had in the source file (ie. the same | |
specific location, like ExifIFD or XMP-dc). For example, the common | |
operation of copying all writable tags to the same specific locations | |
in the output [4mFILE[0m is achieved by adding "-all | all". A different |
family may be specified by adding a leading family number to the | |
group name (eg. "-0all | all" preserves the same general location, like |
EXIF or XMP). | |
| |
[4mSRCFILE[0m may be the same as [4mFILE[0m to move information around within a | |
single file. In this case, "@" may be used to represent the source | |
file (ie. "-tagsFromFile @"), permitting this feature to be used for | |
batch processing multiple files. Specified tags are then copied from | |
each file in turn as it is rewritten. For advanced batch use, the | |
source file name may also be specified using a [4mFMT[0m string in which | |
%d, %f and %e represent the directory, file name and extension of | |
[4mFILE[0m. (eg. the current [4mFILE[0m would be represented by "%d%f.%e", with | |
the same effect as "@"). See the [1m-w[0m option for [4mFMT[0m string examples. | |
| |
A powerful redirection feature allows a destination tag to be | |
specified for each copied tag. With this feature, information may be | |
written to a tag with a different name or group. This is done using | |
"'-[4mDSTTAG[0m<[4mSRCTAG[0m'" or "'-[4mSRCTAG[0m>[4mDSTTAG[0m'" on the command line after[4mDSTTAG[0m'"-on-the-command-line-after"> | |
[1m-tagsFromFile[0m, and causes the value of [4mSRCTAG[0m to be copied from | |
[4mSRCFILE[0m and written to [4mDSTTAG[0m in [4mFILE[0m. Has no effect unless | |
[4mSRCTAG[0m exists in [4mSRCFILE[0m. Note that this argument must be quoted to | |
prevent shell redirection, and there is no "=" sign as when assigning | |
new values. Source and/or destination tags may be prefixed by a group | |
name and/or suffixed by "#". Wildcards are allowed in both the source | |
and destination tag names. A destination group and/or tag name of | |
"All" or "*" writes to the same family 1 group and/or tag name as the | |
source. If no destination group is specified, the information is | |
written to the preferred group. Whitespace around the ">" or "<" is"-or-"<"-is"> | |
ignored. As a convenience, "-tagsFromFile @" is assumed for any | |
redirected tags which are specified without a prior [1m-tagsFromFile[0m | |
option. Copied tags may also be added or deleted from a list with | |
arguments of the form "'-[4mSRCTAG[0m+<[4mDSTTAG[0m'" or "'-[4mSRCTAG[0m-<[4mDSTTAG[0m'" (but | |
see Note 5 below). | |
| |
An extension of the redirection feature allows strings involving tag | |
names to be used on the right hand side of the "<" symbol with the | |
syntax "'-[4mDSTTAG[0m<[4mSTR[0m'", where tag names in [4mSTR[0m are prefixed with a | |
"$" symbol. See the [1m-p[0m option and the "Advanced formatting feature" | |
section for more details about this syntax. Strings starting with a | |
"=" sign must insert a single space after the "<" to avoid confusion | |
with the "<=" operator which sets the tag value from the contents of | |
a file. A single space at the start of the string is removed if it | |
exists, but all other whitespace in the string is preserved. See note | |
8 below about using the redirection feature with list-type stags, | |
shortcuts or when using wildcards in tag names. | |
| |
See "COPYING EXAMPLES" for examples using [1m-tagsFromFile[0m. | |
| |
Notes | |
| |
1) Some tags (generally tags which may affect the appearance of the | |
image) are considered "unsafe" to write, and are only copied if | |
specified explicitly (ie. no wildcards). See the tag name | |
documentation for more details about "unsafe" tags. | |
| |
2) Be aware of the difference between excluding a tag from being | |
copied (--[4mTAG[0m), and deleting a tag (-[4mTAG[0m=). Excluding a tag prevents | |
it from being copied to the destination image, but deleting will | |
remove a pre-existing tag from the image. | |
| |
3) The maker note information is copied as a block, so it isn't | |
affected like other information by subsequent tag assignments on the | |
command line, and individual makernote tags may not be excluded from | |
a block copy. Also, since the PreviewImage referenced from the maker | |
notes may be rather large, it is not copied, and must be transferred | |
separately if desired. | |
| |
4) The order of operations is to copy all specified tags at the point | |
of the [1m-tagsFromFile[0m option in the command line. Any tag assignment | |
to the right of the [1m-tagsFromFile[0m option is made after all tags are | |
copied. For example, new tag values are set in the order One, Two, | |
Three then Four with this command | |
| |
exiftool -One=1 -tagsFromFile s.jpg -Two -Four=4 -Three d.jpg | |
| |
This is significant in the case where an overlap exists between the | |
copied and assigned tags because later operations may override | |
earlier ones. | |
| |
5) The normal behaviour of copied tags differs from that of assigned | |
tags for list-type tags and conditional replacements because each | |
copy operation on a tag overrides any previous operations. While this | |
avoids duplicate list items when copying groups of tags from a file | |
containing redundant information, it also prevents values of | |
different tags from being copied into the same list when this is the | |
intent. So a [1m-addTagsFromFile[0m option is provided which allows copying | |
of multiple tags into the same list. eg) | |
| |
exiftool -addtagsfromfile @ '-subject | |
| |
Similarly, [1m-addTagsFromFile[0m must be used when conditionally replacing | |
a tag to prevent overriding earlier conditions. | |
| |
Other than these differences, the [1m-tagsFromFile[0m and | |
[1m-addTagsFromFile[0m options are equivalent. | |
| |
6) The [1m-a[0m option (allow duplicate tags) is always in effect when | |
copying tags from [4mSRCFILE[0m, but the highest priority tag is always | |
copied last so it takes precedence. | |
| |
7) Structured tags are copied by default when copying tags. See the | |
[1m-struct[0m option for details. | |
| |
8) With the redirection feature, copying a tag directly (ie. | |
"'-[4mDSTTAG[0m<[4mSRCTAG[0m'") is not the same as interpolating its value inside | |
a string (ie. "'-[4mDSTTAG[0m<$[4mSRCTAG[0m'") for list-type tags, shortcut tags, | |
tag names containing wildcards, or UserParam variables. When copying | |
directly, the values of each matching source tag are copied | |
individually to the destination tag (as if they were separate | |
assignments). However, when interpolated inside a string, list items | |
and the values of shortcut tags are concatenated (with a separator | |
set by the [1m-sep[0m option), and wildcards are not allowed. Also, | |
UserParam variables are available only when interpolated in a string. | |
Another difference is that a minor warning is generated if a tag | |
doesn't exist when interpolating its value in a string (with "$"), | |
but isn't when copying the tag directly. | |
| |
Finally, the behaviour is different when a destination tag or group | |
of "All" is used. When copying directly, a destination group and/or | |
tag name of "All" writes to the same family 1 group and/or tag name | |
as the source. But when interpolated in a string, the identity of the | |
source tags are lost and the value is written to all possible | |
groups/tags. For example, the string form must be used in the | |
following command since the intent is to set the value of all | |
existing date/time tags from "CreateDate" | |
| |
exiftool '-time | all<$createdate' -wm w FILE |
| |
[1m-x[0m [4mTAG[0m ([1m-exclude[0m) | |
Exclude the specified tag. There may be multiple [1m-x[0m options. This has | |
the same effect as --[4mTAG[0m on the command line. See the --[4mTAG[0m | |
documentation above for a complete description. | |
| |
Input-output text formatting | |
Note that trailing spaces are removed from extracted values for most | |
output text formats. The exceptions are [1m-b[0m, [1m-csv[0m, [1m-j[0m and [1m-X[0m. | |
| |
[1m-args[0m ([1m-argFormat[0m) | |
Output information in the form of exiftool arguments, suitable for | |
use with the [1m-@[0m option when writing. May be combined with the [1m-G[0m | |
option to include group names. This feature may be used to | |
effectively copy tags between images, but allows the metadata to be | |
altered by editing the intermediate file ("out.args" in this | |
example) | |
| |
exiftool -args -G1 --filename --directory src.jpg > out.args | |
exiftool -@ out.args -sep ', ' dst.jpg | |
| |
Note | Be careful when copying information with this technique since |
it is easy to write tags which are normally considered "unsafe". For | |
instance, the FileName and Directory tags are excluded in the example | |
above to avoid renaming and moving the destination file. Also note | |
that the second command above will produce warning messages for any | |
tags which are not writable. | |
| |
As well, the [1m-sep[0m option should be used as in the second command | |
above to maintain separate list items when writing metadata back to | |
image files, and the [1m-struct[0m option may be used when extracting to | |
preserve structured XMP information. | |
| |
[1m-b[0m, [1m--b[0m ([1m-binary[0m, [1m--binary[0m) | |
Output requested metadata in binary format without tag names or | |
descriptions ([1m-b[0m or [1m-binary[0m). This option is mainly used for | |
extracting embedded images or other binary data, but it may also be | |
useful for some text strings since control characters (such as | |
newlines) are not replaced by '.' as they are in the default output. | |
By default, list items are separated by a newline when extracted with | |
the [1m-b[0m option, but this may be changed (see the [1m-sep[0m option for | |
details). May be combined with [1m-j[0m, [1m-php[0m or [1m-X[0m to extract binary data | |
in JSON, PHP or XML format, but note that "unsafe" tags must be | |
specified explicitly to be extracted as binary in these formats. | |
| |
With a leading double dash ([1m--b[0m or [1m--binary[0m), tags which contain | |
binary data are suppressed in the output when reading. | |
| |
[1m-c[0m [4mFMT[0m ([1m-coordFormat[0m) | |
Set the print format for GPS coordinates. [4mFMT[0m uses the same syntax as | |
a "printf" format string. The specifiers correspond to degrees, | |
minutes and seconds in that order, but minutes and seconds are | |
optional. For example, the following table gives the output for the | |
same coordinate using various formats | |
| |
FMT Output | |
------------------- ------------------ | |
"%d deg %d' %.2f"\" 54 deg 59' 22.80" (default for reading) | |
"%d %d %.8f" 54 59 22.80000000 (default for copying) | |
"%d deg %.4f min" 54 deg 59.3800 min | |
"%.6f degrees" 54.989667 degrees | |
| |
Notes | |
| |
1) To avoid loss of precision, the default coordinate format is | |
different when copying tags using the [1m-tagsFromFile[0m option. | |
| |
2) If the hemisphere is known, a reference direction (N, S, E or W) | |
is appended to each printed coordinate, but adding a "+" to the | |
format specifier (eg. "%+.6f") prints a signed coordinate instead. | |
| |
3) This print formatting may be disabled with the [1m-n[0m option to | |
extract coordinates as signed decimal degrees. | |
| |
[1m-charset[0m [[[4mTYPE[0m=][4mCHARSET[0m] | |
If [4mTYPE[0m is "ExifTool" or not specified, this option sets the ExifTool | |
character encoding for output tag values when reading and input | |
values when writing, with a default of "UTF8". If no [4mCHARSET[0m is | |
given, a list of available character sets is returned. Valid | |
[4mCHARSET[0m values are | |
| |
CHARSET Alias(es) Description | |
---------- --------------- ---------------------------------- | |
UTF8 cp65001, UTF-8 UTF-8 characters (default) | |
Latin cp1252, Latin1 Windows Latin1 (West European) | |
Latin2 cp1250 Windows Latin2 (Central European) | |
Cyrillic cp1251, Russian Windows Cyrillic | |
Greek cp1253 Windows Greek | |
Turkish cp1254 Windows Turkish | |
Hebrew cp1255 Windows Hebrew | |
Arabic cp1256 Windows Arabic | |
Baltic cp1257 Windows Baltic | |
Vietnam cp1258 Windows Vietnamese | |
Thai cp874 Windows Thai | |
DOSLatinUS cp437 DOS Latin US | |
DOSLatin1 cp850 DOS Latin1 | |
DOSCyrillic cp866 DOS Cyrillic | |
MacRoman cp10000, Roman Macintosh Roman | |
MacLatin2 cp10029 Macintosh Latin2 (Central Europe) | |
MacCyrillic cp10007 Macintosh Cyrillic | |
MacGreek cp10006 Macintosh Greek | |
MacTurkish cp10081 Macintosh Turkish | |
MacRomanian cp10010 Macintosh Romanian | |
MacIceland cp10079 Macintosh Icelandic | |
MacCroatian cp10082 Macintosh Croatian | |
| |
[4mTYPE[0m may be "FileName" to specify the encoding of file names on the | |
command line (ie. [4mFILE[0m arguments). In Windows, this triggers use of | |
wide-character i/o routines, thus providing support for Unicode file | |
names. See the "WINDOWS UNICODE FILE NAMES" section below for | |
details. | |
| |
Other values of [4mTYPE[0m listed below are used to specify the internal | |
encoding of various meta information formats. | |
| |
TYPE Description Default | |
--------- ------------------------------------------- ------- | |
EXIF Internal encoding of EXIF "ASCII" strings (none) | |
ID3 Internal encoding of ID3v1 information Latin | |
IPTC Internal IPTC encoding to assume when Latin | |
IPTC | CodedCharacterSet is not defined |
Photoshop Internal encoding of Photoshop IRB strings Latin | |
QuickTime Internal encoding of QuickTime strings MacRoman | |
RIFF Internal encoding of RIFF strings 0 | |
| |
See | //> for more information about |
coded character sets, and the Image | :ExifTool Options for more |
details about the [1m-charset[0m settings. | |
| |
[1m-csv[0m[[+]=[4mCSVFILE[0m] | |
Export information in CSV format, or import information if [4mCSVFILE[0m is | |
specified. When importing, the CSV file must be in exactly the same | |
format as the exported file. The first row of the [4mCSVFILE[0m must be the | |
ExifTool tag names (with optional group names) for each column of the | |
file, and values must be separated by commas. A special "SourceFile" | |
column specifies the files associated with each row of information | |
(and a SourceFile of "*" may be used to define default tags to be | |
imported for all files which are combined with any tags specified for | |
the specific SourceFile processed). The [1m-csvDelim[0m option may be used | |
to change the input/output field delimiter if something other than a | |
comma is required. | |
| |
The following examples demonstrate basic use of the [1m-csv[0m option | |
| |
# generate CSV file with common tags from all images in a directory | |
exiftool -common -csv dir > out.csv | |
| |
# update metadata for all images in a directory from CSV file | |
exiftool -csv=a.csv dir | |
| |
Empty values are ignored when importing (unless the [1m-f[0m option is used | |
and the API MissingTagValue is set to an empty string, in which case | |
the tag is deleted). Also, FileName and Directory columns are ignored | |
if they exist (ie. ExifTool will not attempt to write these tags with | |
a CSV import). To force a tag to be deleted, use the [1m-f[0m option and | |
set the value to "-" in the CSV file (or to the MissingTagValue if | |
this API option was used). Multiple databases may be imported in a | |
single command. | |
| |
When exporting a CSV file, the [1m-g[0m or [1m-G[0m option adds group names to | |
the tag headings. If the [1m-a[0m option is used to allow duplicate tag | |
names, the duplicate tags are only included in the CSV output if the | |
column headings are unique. Adding the [1m-G4[0m option ensures a unique | |
column heading for each tag. The [1m-b[0m option may be added to output | |
binary data, encoded in base64 if necessary (indicated by ASCII | |
"base64 | " as the first 7 bytes of the value). Values may also be |
encoded in base64 if the [1m-charset[0m option is used and the value | |
contains invalid characters. | |
| |
When exporting specific tags, the CSV columns are arranged in the | |
same order as the specified tags provided the column headings exactly | |
match the specified tag names, otherwise the columns are sorted in | |
alphabetical order. | |
| |
When importing from a CSV file, only files specified on the command | |
line are processed. Any extra entries in the CSV file are ignored. | |
| |
List-type tags are stored as simple strings in a CSV file, but the | |
[1m-sep[0m option may be used to split them back into separate items when | |
importing. | |
| |
Special feature | [1m-csv[0m+=[4mCSVFILE[0m may be used to add items to existing |
lists. This affects only list-type tags. Also applies to the [1m-j[0m | |
option. | |
| |
Note that this option is fundamentally different than all other | |
output format options because it requires information from all input | |
files to be buffered in memory before the output is written. This may | |
result in excessive memory usage when processing a very large number | |
of files with a single command. Also, it makes this option | |
incompatible with the [1m-w[0m option. When processing a large number of | |
files, it is recommended to either use the JSON ([1m-j[0m) or XML ([1m-X[0m) | |
output format, or use [1m-p[0m to generate a fixed-column CSV file instead | |
of using the [1m-csv[0m option. | |
| |
[1m-csvDelim[0m [4mSTR[0m | |
Set the delimiter for separating CSV entries for CSV file | |
input/output via the [1m-csv[0m option. [4mSTR[0m may contain "\t", "\n", "\r" | |
and "\\" to represent TAB, LF, CR and '\' respectively. A double | |
quote is not allowed in the delimiter. Default is ','. | |
| |
[1m-d[0m [4mFMT[0m ([1m-dateFormat[0m) | |
Set the format for date/time tag values. The [4mFMT[0m string may contain | |
formatting codes beginning with a percent character ("%") to | |
represent the various components of a date/time value. The specifics | |
of the [4mFMT[0m syntax are system dependent -- consult the "strftime" man | |
page on your system for details. The default format is equivalent to | |
"%Y | %m:%d %H:%M:%S". This option has no effect on date-only or |
time-only tags and ignores timezone information if present. Only one | |
[1m-d[0m option may be used per command. Requires POSIX | :strptime or |
Time | :Piece for the inversion conversion when writing. |
| |
[1m-D[0m ([1m-decimal[0m) | |
Show tag ID number in decimal when extracting information. | |
| |
[1m-E[0m, [1m-ex[0m, [1m-ec[0m ([1m-escapeHTML[0m, [1m-escapeXML[0m, | |
[1m-escapeC[0m) | |
Escape characters in output tag values for HTML ([1m-E[0m), XML ([1m-ex[0m) or C | |
([1m-ec[0m). For HTML, all characters with Unicode code points above U+007F | |
are escaped as well as the following 5 characters | & (&) ' |
(') " (") > (>) and < (<). For XML, only these 5-(>)-and-<-(<).-For-XML,-only-these-5"> | |
characters are escaped. The [1m-E[0m option is implied with [1m-h[0m, and [1m-ex[0m is | |
implied with [1m-X[0m. For C, all control characters and the backslash are | |
escaped. The inverse conversion is applied when writing tags. | |
| |
[1m-f[0m ([1m-forcePrint[0m) | |
Force printing of tags even if their values are not found. This | |
option only applies when specific tags are requested on the command | |
line (ie. not with wildcards or by "-all"). With this option, a dash | |
("-") is printed for the value of any missing tag, but the dash may | |
be changed via the API MissingTagValue option. May also be used to | |
add a 'flags' attribute to the [1m-listx[0m output, or to allow tags to be | |
deleted when writing with the [1m-csv[0m=[4mCSVFILE[0m feature. | |
| |
[1m-g[0m[[4mNUM[0m][ | [4mNUM[0m...] ([1m-groupHeadings[0m) |
Organize output by tag group. [4mNUM[0m specifies a group family number, | |
and may be 0 (general location), 1 (specific location), 2 (category), | |
3 (document number), 4 (instance number), 5 (metadata path), 6 | |
(EXIF/TIFF format) or 7 (tag ID). [1m-g0[0m is assumed if a family number | |
is not specified. May be combined with other options to add group | |
names to the output. Multiple families may be specified by separating | |
them with colons. By default the resulting group name is simplified | |
by removing any leading "Main | " and collapsing adjacent identical |
group names, but this can be avoided by placing a colon before the | |
first family number (eg. [1m-g | 3:1[0m). Use the [1m-listg[0m option to list group |
names for a specified family. The SavePath and SaveFormat API options | |
are automatically enabled if the respective family 5 or 6 group names | |
are requested. See the API GetGroup documentation for more | |
information. | |
| |
[1m-G[0m[[4mNUM[0m][ | [4mNUM[0m...] ([1m-groupNames[0m) |
Same as [1m-g[0m but print group name for each tag. [1m-G0[0m is assumed if | |
[4mNUM[0m is not specified. May be combined with a number of other options | |
to add group names to the output. Note that [4mNUM[0m may be added wherever | |
[1m-G[0m is mentioned in the documentation. See the [1m-g[0m option above for | |
details. | |
| |
[1m-h[0m ([1m-htmlFormat[0m) | |
Use HTML table formatting for output. Implies the [1m-E[0m option. The | |
formatting options [1m-D[0m, [1m-H[0m, [1m-g[0m, [1m-G[0m, [1m-l[0m and [1m-s[0m may be used in | |
combination with [1m-h[0m to influence the HTML format. | |
| |
[1m-H[0m ([1m-hex[0m) | |
Show tag ID number in hexadecimal when extracting information. | |
| |
[1m-htmlDump[0m[[4mOFFSET[0m] | |
Generate a dynamic web page containing a hex dump of the EXIF | |
information. This can be a very powerful tool for low-level analysis | |
of EXIF information. The [1m-htmlDump[0m option is also invoked if the | |
[1m-v[0m and [1m-h[0m options are used together. The verbose level controls the | |
maximum length of the blocks dumped. An [4mOFFSET[0m may be given to | |
specify the base for displayed offsets. If not provided, the | |
EXIF/TIFF base offset is used. Use [1m-htmlDump0[0m for absolute offsets. | |
Currently only EXIF/TIFF and JPEG information is dumped, but the -u | |
option can be used to give a raw hex dump of other file formats. | |
| |
[1m-j[0m[[+]=[4mJSONFILE[0m] ([1m-json[0m) | |
Use JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) formatting for console output, | |
or import JSON file if [4mJSONFILE[0m is specified. This option may be | |
combined with [1m-g[0m to organize the output into objects by group, or | |
[1m-G[0m to add group names to each tag. List-type tags with multiple items | |
are output as JSON arrays unless [1m-sep[0m is used. By default XMP | |
structures are flattened into individual tags in the JSON output, but | |
the original structure may be preserved with the [1m-struct[0m option (this | |
also causes all list-type XMP tags to be output as JSON arrays, | |
otherwise single-item lists would be output as simple strings). The | |
[1m-a[0m option is implied when [1m-json[0m is used, but entries with identical | |
JSON names are suppressed in the output. ([1m-G4[0m may be used to ensure | |
that all tags have unique JSON names.) Adding the [1m-D[0m or [1m-H[0m option | |
changes tag values to JSON objects with "val" and "id" fields, and | |
adding [1m-l[0m adds a "desc" field, and a "num" field if the numerical | |
value is different from the converted "val". The [1m-b[0m option may be | |
added to output binary data, encoded in base64 if necessary | |
(indicated by ASCII "base64 | " as the first 7 bytes of the value), and |
[1m-t[0m may be added to include tag table information (see [1m-t[0m for | |
details). The JSON output is UTF-8 regardless of any [1m-L[0m or | |
[1m-charset[0m option setting, but the UTF-8 validation is disabled if a | |
character set other than UTF-8 is specified. | |
| |
If [4mJSONFILE[0m is specified, the file is imported and the tag | |
definitions from the file are used to set tag values on a per-file | |
basis. The special "SourceFile" entry in each JSON object associates | |
the information with a specific target file. An object with a missing | |
SourceFile or a SourceFile of "*" defines default tags for all target | |
files which are combined with any tags specified for the specific | |
SourceFile processed. The imported JSON file must have the same | |
format as the exported JSON files with the exception that the [1m-g[0m | |
option is not compatible with the import file format (use [1m-G[0m | |
instead). Additionally, tag names in the input JSON file may be | |
suffixed with a "#" to disable print conversion. | |
| |
Unlike CSV import, empty values are not ignored, and will cause an | |
empty value to be written if supported by the specific metadata type. | |
Tags are deleted by using the [1m-f[0m option and setting the tag value to | |
"-" (or to the MissingTagValue setting if this API option was used). | |
Importing with [1m-j[0m+=[4mJSONFILE[0m causes new values to be added to existing | |
lists. | |
| |
[1m-l[0m ([1m-long[0m) | |
Use long 2-line Canon-style output format. Adds a description and | |
unconverted value (if it is different from the converted value) to | |
the XML, JSON or PHP output when [1m-X[0m, [1m-j[0m or [1m-php[0m is used. May also be | |
combined with [1m-listf[0m, [1m-listr[0m or [1m-listwf[0m to add descriptions of the | |
file types. | |
| |
[1m-L[0m ([1m-latin[0m) | |
Use Windows Latin1 encoding (cp1252) for output tag values instead of | |
the default UTF-8. When writing, [1m-L[0m specifies that input text values | |
are Latin1 instead of UTF-8. Equivalent to "-charset latin". | |
| |
[1m-lang[0m [[4mLANG[0m] | |
Set current language for tag descriptions and converted values. | |
[4mLANG[0m is "de", "fr", "ja", etc. Use [1m-lang[0m with no other arguments to | |
get a list of available languages. The default language is "en" if | |
[1m-lang[0m is not specified. Note that tag/group names are always English, | |
independent of the [1m-lang[0m setting, and translation of warning/error | |
messages has not yet been implemented. May also be combined with | |
[1m-listx[0m to output descriptions in one language only. | |
| |
By default, ExifTool uses UTF-8 encoding for special characters, but | |
the the [1m-L[0m or [1m-charset[0m option may be used to invoke other encodings. | |
Note that ExifTool uses Unicode | :LineBreak if available to help |
preserve the column alignment of the plain text output for languages | |
with a variable-width character set. | |
| |
Currently, the language support is not complete, but users are | |
welcome to help improve this by submitting their own translations. To | |
submit a translation, follow these steps (you must have Perl | |
installed for this) | |
| |
1. Download and unpack the latest Image-ExifTool full distribution. | |
| |
2. 'cd' into the Image-ExifTool directory. | |
| |
3. Run this command to make an XML file of the desired tags (eg. | |
EXIF) | |
| |
./exiftool -listx -exif | all > out.xml |
| |
4. Copy this text into a file called '' in the exiftool | |
directory | |
| |
push @INC, 'lib'; | |
require Image | :ExifTool::TagInfoXML; |
my $file = shift or die "Expected XML file name\n"; | |
$Image | :ExifTool::TagInfoXML::makeMissing = shift; |
Image | :ExifTool::TagInfoXML::BuildLangModules($file,8); |
| |
5. Run the '' script to Import the XML file, generating the | |
'MISSING' entries for your language (eg. Russian) | |
| |
perl out.xml ru | |
| |
6. Edit the generated language module lib/Image/ExifTool/Lang/, | |
and search and replace all 'MISSING' strings in the file with your | |
translations. | |
| |
7. Email the module ('' in this example) to philharvey66 at | | | |
| |
8. Thank you!! | |
| |
[1m-listItem[0m [4mINDEX[0m | |
For list-type tags, this causes only the item with the specified | |
index to be extracted. [4mINDEX[0m is 0 for the first item in the list. | |
Negative indices may also be used to reference items from the end of | |
the list. Has no effect on single-valued tags. Also applies to tag | |
values when copying from a tag, and in [1m-if[0m conditions. | |
| |
[1m-n[0m ([1m--printConv[0m) | |
Disable print conversion for all tags. By default, extracted values | |
are converted to a more human-readable format, but the [1m-n[0m option | |
disables this conversion, revealing the machine-readable values. For | |
example | |
| |
> exiftool -Orientation -S a.jpg | |
Orientation | Rotate 90 CW |
> exiftool -Orientation -S -n a.jpg | |
Orientation | 6 |
| |
The print conversion may also be disabled on a per-tag basis by | |
suffixing the tag name with a "#" character | |
| |
> exiftool -Orientation# -Orientation -S a.jpg | |
Orientation | 6 |
Orientation | Rotate 90 CW |
| |
These techniques may also be used to disable the inverse print | |
conversion when writing. For example, the following commands all have | |
the same effect | |
| |
> exiftool -Orientation='Rotate 90 CW' a.jpg | |
> exiftool -Orientation=6 -n a.jpg | |
> exiftool -Orientation#=6 a.jpg | |
| |
[1m-p[0m [4mFMTFILE[0m or [4mSTR[0m ([1m-printFormat[0m) | |
Print output in the format specified by the given file or string. The | |
argument is interpreted as a string unless a file of that name | |
exists, in which case the string is loaded from the contents of the | |
file. Tag names in the format file or string begin with a "$" symbol | |
and may contain leading group names and/or a trailing "#" (to disable | |
print conversion). Case is not significant. Braces "{}" may be used | |
around the tag name to separate it from subsequent text. Use $$ to | |
represent a "$" symbol, and $/ for a newline. | |
| |
Multiple [1m-p[0m options may be used, each contributing a line (or more) | |
of text to the output. Lines beginning with "#[HEAD]" and "#[TAIL]" | |
are output before the first processed file and after the last | |
processed file respectively. Lines beginning with "#[SECT]" and | |
"#[ENDS]" are output before and after each section of files. A | |
section is defined as a group of consecutive files with the same | |
section header (eg. files are grouped by directory if "#[SECT]" | |
contains $directory). Lines beginning with "#[BODY]" and lines not | |
beginning with "#" are output for each processed file. Lines | |
beginning with "#[IF]" are not output, but all BODY lines are skipped | |
if any tag on an IF line doesn't exist. Other lines beginning with | |
"#" are ignored. For example, this format file | |
| |
# this is a comment line | |
#[HEAD]-- Generated by ExifTool $exifToolVersion -- | |
File | $FileName - $DateTimeOriginal |
(f/$Aperture, ${ShutterSpeed}s, ISO $EXIF | ISO) |
#[TAIL]-- end -- | |
| |
with this command | |
| |
exiftool -p test.fmt a.jpg b.jpg | |
| |
produces output like this | |
| |
-- Generated by ExifTool 12.25 -- | |
File | a.jpg - 2003:10:31 15:44:19 |
(f/5.6, 1/60s, ISO 100) | |
File | b.jpg - 2006:05:23 11:57:38 |
(f/8.0, 1/13s, ISO 100) | |
-- end -- | |
| |
The values of List-type tags with multiple items and Shortcut tags | |
representing multiple tags are joined according the the [1m-sep[0m option | |
setting when interpolated in the string. | |
| |
When [1m-ee[0m ([1m-extractEmbedded[0m) is combined with [1m-p[0m, embedded documents | |
are effectively processed as separate input files. | |
| |
If a specified tag does not exist, a minor warning is issued and the | |
line with the missing tag is not printed. However, the [1m-f[0m option may | |
be used to set the value of missing tags to '-' (but this may be | |
configured via the MissingTagValue API option), or the [1m-m[0m option may | |
be used to ignore minor warnings and leave the missing values empty. | |
Alternatively, [1m-q -q[0m may be used to simply suppress the warning | |
messages. | |
| |
The "Advanced formatting feature" may be used to modify the values of | |
individual tags with the [1m-p[0m option. | |
| |
[1m-php[0m Format output as a PHP Array. The [1m-g[0m, [1m-G[0m, [1m-D[0m, [1m-H[0m, [1m-l[0m, [1m-sep[0m and | |
[1m-struct[0m options combine with [1m-php[0m, and duplicate tags are handled in | |
the same way as with the [1m-json[0m option. As well, the [1m-b[0m option may be | |
added to output binary data, and [1m-t[0m may be added to include tag table | |
information (see [1m-t[0m for details). Here is a simple example showing | |
how this could be used in a PHP script | |
| |
| |
eval('$array=' . `exiftool -php -q image.jpg`); | |
print_r($array); | |
?> | |
| |
[1m-s[0m[[4mNUM[0m] ([1m-short[0m) | |
Short output format. Prints tag names instead of descriptions. Add | |
[4mNUM[0m or up to 3 [1m-s[0m options for even shorter formats | |
| |
-s1 or -s - print tag names instead of descriptions | |
-s2 or -s -s - no extra spaces to column-align values | |
-s3 or -s -s -s - print values only (no tag names) | |
| |
Also effective when combined with [1m-t[0m, [1m-h[0m, [1m-X[0m or [1m-listx[0m options. | |
| |
[1m-S[0m ([1m-veryShort[0m) | |
Very short format. The same as [1m-s2[0m or two [1m-s[0m options. Tag names are | |
printed instead of descriptions, and no extra spaces are added to | |
column-align values. | |
| |
[1m-sep[0m [4mSTR[0m ([1m-separator[0m) | |
Specify separator string for items in list-type tags. When reading, | |
the default is to join list items with ", ". When writing, this | |
option causes values assigned to list-type tags to be split into | |
individual items at each substring matching [4mSTR[0m (otherwise they are | |
not split by default). Space characters in [4mSTR[0m match zero or more | |
whitespace characters in the value. | |
| |
Note that an empty separator ("") is allowed, and will join items | |
with no separator when reading, or split the value into individual | |
characters when writing. | |
| |
For pure binary output ([1m-b[0m used without [1m-j[0m, [1m-php[0m or [1m-X[0m), the first | |
[1m-sep[0m option specifies a list-item separator, and a second [1m-sep[0m option | |
specifies a terminator for the end of the list (or after each value | |
if not a list). In these strings, "\n", "\r" and "\t" may be used to | |
represent a newline, carriage return and tab respectively. By | |
default, binary list items are separated by a newline, and no | |
terminator is added. | |
| |
[1m-sort[0m, [1m--sort[0m | |
Sort output by tag description, or by tag name if the [1m-s[0m option is | |
used. When sorting by description, the sort order will depend on the | |
[1m-lang[0m option setting. Without the [1m-sort[0m option, tags appear in the | |
order they were specified on the command line, or if not specified, | |
the order they were extracted from the file. By default, tags are | |
organized by groups when combined with the [1m-g[0m or [1m-G[0m option, but this | |
grouping may be disabled with [1m--sort[0m. | |
| |
[1m-struct[0m, [1m--struct[0m | |
Output structured XMP information instead of flattening to individual | |
tags. This option works well when combined with the XML ([1m-X[0m) and JSON | |
([1m-j[0m) output formats. For other output formats, XMP structures and | |
lists are serialized into the same format as when writing structured | |
information (see | //> for details). |
When copying, structured tags are copied by default unless | |
[1m--struct[0m is used to disable this feature (although flattened tags may | |
still be copied by specifying them individually unless [1m-struct[0m is | |
used). These options have no effect when assigning new values since | |
both flattened and structured tags may always be used when writing. | |
| |
[1m-t[0m ([1m-tab[0m) | |
Output a tab-delimited list of description/values (useful for | |
database import). May be combined with [1m-s[0m to print tag names instead | |
of descriptions, or [1m-S[0m to print tag values only, tab-delimited on a | |
single line. The [1m-t[0m option may be combined with [1m-j[0m, [1m-php[0m or [1m-X[0m to add | |
tag table information ("table", tag "id", and "index" for cases where | |
multiple conditional tags exist with the same ID). | |
| |
[1m-T[0m ([1m-table[0m) | |
Output tag values in table form. Equivalent to [1m-t -S -q -f[0m. | |
| |
[1m-v[0m[[4mNUM[0m] ([1m-verbose[0m) | |
Print verbose messages. [4mNUM[0m specifies the level of verbosity in the | |
range 0-5, with higher numbers being more verbose. If [4mNUM[0m is not | |
given, then each [1m-v[0m option increases the level of verbosity by 1. | |
With any level greater than 0, most other options are ignored and | |
normal console output is suppressed unless specific tags are | |
extracted. Using [1m-v0[0m causes the console output buffer to be flushed | |
after each line (which may be useful to avoid delays when piping | |
exiftool output), and prints the name of each processed file when | |
writing. Also see the [1m-progress[0m option. | |
| |
[1m-w[0m[+|!] [4mEXT[0m or [4mFMT[0m ([1m-textOut[0m) | |
Write console output to files with names ending in [4mEXT[0m, one for each | |
source file. The output file name is obtained by replacing the source | |
file extension (including the '.') with the specified extension (and | |
a '.' is added to the start of [4mEXT[0m if it doesn't already contain | |
one). Alternatively, a [4mFMT[0m string may be used to give more control | |
over the output file name and directory. In the format string, %d, %f | |
and %e represent the directory, filename and extension of the source | |
file, and %c represents a copy number which is automatically | |
incremented if the file already exists. %d includes the trailing '/' | |
if necessary, but %e does not include the leading '.'. For example | |
| |
-w %d%f.txt # same effect as "-w txt" | |
-w dir/%f_%e.out # write files to "dir" as "FILE_EXT.out" | |
-w dir2/%d%f.txt # write to "dir2", keeping dir structure | |
-w a%c.txt # write to "a.txt" or "a1.txt" or "a2.txt"... | |
| |
Existing files will not be changed unless an exclamation point is | |
added to the option name (ie. [1m-w![0m or [1m-textOut![0m) to overwrite the | |
file, or a plus sign (ie. [1m-w+[0m or [1m-textOut+[0m) to append to the existing | |
file. Both may be used (ie. [1m-w+![0m or [1m-textOut+![0m) to overwrite output | |
files that didn't exist before the command was run, and append the | |
output from multiple source files. For example, to write one output | |
file for all source files in each directory | |
| |
exiftool -filename -createdate -T -w+! %d/out.txt -r DIR | |
| |
Capitalized format codes %D, %F, %E and %C provide slightly different | |
alternatives to the lower case versions. %D does not include the | |
trailing '/', %F is the full filename including extension, %E | |
includes the leading '.', and %C increments the count for each | |
processed file (see below). | |
| |
Notes | |
| |
1) In a Windows BAT file the "%" character is represented by "%%", so | |
an argument like "%d%f.txt" is written as "%%d%%f.txt". | |
| |
2) If the argument for [1m-w[0m does not contain a valid format code (eg. | |
%f), then it is interpreted as a file extension, but there are three | |
different ways to create a single output file from multiple source | |
files | |
| |
# 1. Shell redirection | |
exiftool FILE1 FILE2 ... > out.txt | |
| |
# 2. With the -w option and a zero-width format code | |
exiftool -w+! %0fout.txt FILE1 FILE2 ... | |
| |
# 3. With the -W option (see the -W option below) | |
exiftool -W+! out.txt FILE1 FILE2 ... | |
| |
Advanced features | |
| |
A substring of the original file name, directory or extension may be | |
taken by specifying a field width immediately following the '%' | |
character. If the width is negative, the substring is taken from the | |
end. The substring position (characters to ignore at the start or end | |
of the string) may be given by a second optional value after a | |
decimal point. For example | |
| |
Input File Name Format Specifier Output File Name | |
---------------- ---------------- ---------------- | |
Picture-123.jpg %7f.txt Picture.txt | |
Picture-123.jpg %-.4f.out Picture.out | |
Picture-123.jpg %7f.%-3f Picture.123 | |
Picture-123a.jpg Meta%-3.1f.txt Meta123.txt | |
| |
(Note that special characters may have a width of greater than one.) | |
| |
For %d and %D, the field width/position specifiers may be applied to | |
the directory levels instead of substring position by using a colon | |
instead of a decimal point in the format specifier. For example | |
| |
Source Dir Format Result Notes | |
------------ ------ ---------- ------------------ | |
pics/2012/02 %2 | d pics/2012/ take top 2 levels |
pics/2012/02 %- | 1d pics/2012/ up one directory level |
pics/2012/02 % | 1d 2012/02/ ignore top level |
pics/2012/02 %1 | 1d 2012/ take 1 level after top |
pics/2012/02 %-1 | D 02 bottom level folder name |
/Users/phil % | 2d phil/ ignore top 2 levels |
| |
(Note that the root directory counts as one level when an absolute | |
path is used as in the last example above.) | |
| |
For %c, these modifiers have a different effects. If a field width is | |
given, the copy number is padded with zeros to the specified width. A | |
leading '-' adds a dash before the copy number, and a '+' adds an | |
underline. By default, the copy number is omitted from the first file | |
of a given name, but this can be changed by adding a decimal point to | |
the modifier. For example | |
| |
-w A%-cZ.txt # AZ.txt, A-1Z.txt, A-2Z.txt ... | |
-w B%5c.txt # B.txt, B00001.txt, B00002.txt ... | |
-w C%.c.txt # C0.txt, C1.txt, C2.txt ... | |
-w D%-.c.txt # D-0.txt, D-1.txt, D-2.txt ... | |
-w E%-.4c.txt # E-0000.txt, E-0001.txt, E-0002.txt ... | |
-w F%-.4nc.txt # F-0001.txt, F-0002.txt, F-0003.txt ... | |
-w G%+c.txt # G.txt, G_1.txt G_2.txt ... | |
-w H%-lc.txt # H.txt, H-b.txt, H-c.txt ... | |
-w I.%.3uc.txt # I.AAA.txt, I.AAB.txt, I.AAC.txt ... | |
| |
A special feature allows the copy number to be incremented for each | |
processed file by using %C (upper case) instead of %c. This allows a | |
sequential number to be added to output file names, even if the names | |
are different. For %C, a copy number of zero is not omitted as it is | |
with %c. A leading '-' causes the number to be reset at the start of | |
each new directory, and '+' has no effect. The number before the | |
decimal place gives the starting index, the number after the decimal | |
place gives the field width. The following examples show the output | |
filenames when used with the command "exiftool rose.jpg star.jpg | |
jet.jpg ..." | |
| |
-w %C%f.txt # 0rose.txt, 1star.txt, 2jet.txt | |
-w %f-%10C.txt # rose-10.txt, star-11.txt, jet-12.txt | |
-w %.3C-%f.txt # 000-rose.txt, 001-star.txt, 002-jet.txt | |
-w %57.4C%f.txt # 0057rose.txt, 0058star.txt, 0059jet.txt | |
| |
All format codes may be modified by 'l' or 'u' to specify lower or | |
upper case respectively (ie. %le for a lower case file extension). | |
When used to modify %c or %C, the numbers are changed to an | |
alphabetical base (see example H above). Also, %c and %C may be | |
modified by 'n' to count using natural numbers starting from 1, | |
instead of 0 (see example F above). | |
| |
This same [4mFMT[0m syntax is used with the [1m-o[0m and [1m-tagsFromFile[0m options, | |
although %c and %C are only valid for output file names. | |
| |
[1m-W[0m[+|!] [4mFMT[0m ([1m-tagOut[0m) | |
This enhanced version of the [1m-w[0m option allows a separate output file | |
to be created for each extracted tag. See the [1m-w[0m option documentation | |
above for details of the basic functionality. Listed here are the | |
differences between [1m-W[0m and [1m-w[0m | |
| |
1) With [1m-W[0m, a new output file is created for each extracted tag. | |
| |
2) [1m-W[0m supports three additional format codes | %t, %g and %s represent |
the tag name, group name, and suggested extension for the output file | |
(based on the format of the data). The %g code may be followed by a | |
single digit to specify the group family number (eg. %g1), otherwise | |
family 0 is assumed. The substring width/position/case specifiers may | |
be used with these format codes in exactly the same way as with %f | |
and %e. | |
| |
3) The argument for [1m-W[0m is interpreted as a file name if it contains | |
no format codes. (For [1m-w[0m, this would be a file extension.) This | |
change allows a simple file name to be specified, which, when | |
combined with the append feature, provides a method to write metadata | |
from multiple source files to a single output file without the need | |
for shell redirection. For example, the following pairs of commands | |
give the same result | |
| |
# overwriting existing text file | |
exiftool test.jpg > out.txt # shell redirection | |
exiftool test.jpg -W+! out.txt # equivalent -W option | |
| |
# append to existing text file | |
exiftool test.jpg >> out.txt # shell redirection | |
exiftool test.jpg -W+ out.txt # equivalent -W option | |
| |
4) Adding the [1m-v[0m option to [1m-W[0m sends a list of the tags and output | |
file names to the console instead of giving a verbose dump of the | |
entire file. (Unless appending all output to one file for each source | |
file by using [1m-W+[0m with an output file [4mFMT[0m that does not contain %t, | |
$g or %s.) | |
| |
5) Individual list items are stored in separate files when [1m-W[0m is | |
combined with [1m-b[0m, but note that for separate files to be created %c | |
or %C must be used in [4mFMT[0m to give the files unique names. | |
| |
[1m-Wext[0m [4mEXT[0m, [1m--Wext[0m [4mEXT[0m ([1m-tagOutExt[0m) | |
This option is used to specify the type of output file(s) written by | |
the [1m-W[0m option. An output file is written only if the suggested | |
extension matches [4mEXT[0m. Multiple [1m-Wext[0m options may be used to write | |
more than one type of file. Use [1m--Wext[0m to write all but the specified | |
type(s). | |
| |
[1m-X[0m ([1m-xmlFormat[0m) | |
Use ExifTool-specific RDF/XML formatting for console output. Implies | |
the [1m-a[0m option, so duplicate tags are extracted. The formatting | |
options [1m-b[0m, [1m-D[0m, [1m-H[0m, [1m-l[0m, [1m-s[0m, [1m-sep[0m, [1m-struct[0m and [1m-t[0m may be used in | |
combination with [1m-X[0m to affect the output, but note that the tag ID | |
([1m-D[0m, [1m-H[0m and [1m-t[0m), binary data ([1m-b[0m) and structured output ([1m-struct[0m) | |
options are not effective for the short output ([1m-s[0m). Another | |
restriction of [1m-s[0m is that only one tag with a given group and name | |
may appear in the output. Note that the tag ID options ([1m-D[0m, [1m-H[0m and | |
[1m-t[0m) will produce non-standard RDF/XML unless the [1m-l[0m option is also | |
used. | |
| |
By default, [1m-X[0m outputs flattened tags, so [1m-struct[0m should be added if | |
required to preserve XMP structures. List-type tags with multiple | |
values are formatted as an RDF Bag, but they are combined into a | |
single string when [1m-s[0m or [1m-sep[0m is used. Using [1m-L[0m changes the XML | |
encoding from "UTF-8" to "windows-1252". Other [1m-charset[0m settings | |
change the encoding only if there is a corresponding standard XML | |
character set. The [1m-b[0m option causes binary data values to be written, | |
encoded in base64 if necessary. The [1m-t[0m option adds tag table | |
information to the output (see [1m-t[0m for details). | |
| |
Note | This output is NOT the same as XMP because it uses |
dynamically-generated property names corresponding to the ExifTool | |
tag names, and not the standard XMP properties. To write XMP instead, | |
use the [1m-o[0m option with an XMP extension for the output file. | |
| |
Processing control | |
[1m-a[0m, [1m--a[0m ([1m-duplicates[0m, [1m--duplicates[0m) | |
Allow ([1m-a[0m) or suppress ([1m--a[0m) duplicate tag names to be extracted. By | |
default, duplicate tags are suppressed when reading unless the [1m-ee[0m or | |
[1m-X[0m options are used or the Duplicates option is enabled in the | |
configuration file. This option has an affect when writing only to | |
allow duplicate Warning messages to be shown. Duplicate tags are | |
always extracted when copying. | |
| |
[1m-e[0m ([1m--composite[0m) | |
Extract existing tags only -- don't generate composite tags. | |
| |
[1m-ee[0m[[4mNUM[0m] ([1m-extractEmbedded[0m) | |
Extract information from embedded documents in EPS files, embedded | |
EPS information and JPEG and Jpeg2000 images in PDF files, embedded | |
MPF images in JPEG and MPO files, streaming metadata in AVCHD videos, | |
and the resource fork of Mac OS files. Implies the [1m-a[0m option. Use | |
[1m-g3[0m or [1m-G3[0m to identify the originating document for extracted | |
information. Embedded documents containing sub-documents are | |
indicated with dashes in the family 3 group name. (eg. "Doc2-3" is | |
the 3rd sub-document of the 2nd embedded document.) Note that this | |
option may increase processing time substantially, especially for PDF | |
files with many embedded images or videos with streaming metadata. | |
| |
When used with [1m-ee[0m, the [1m-p[0m option is evaluated for each embedded | |
document as if it were a separate input file. This allows, for | |
example, generation of GPS track logs from timed metadata in videos. | |
See | //> for examples. |
| |
Setting [4mNUM[0m to 2 causes the H264 video stream in MP4 videos to be | |
parsed until the first Supplemental Enhancement Information (SEI) | |
message is decoded, or 3 to parse the entire H624 stream and decode | |
all SEI information. For M2TS videos, a setting of 3 causes the | |
entire file to be parsed in search of unlisted programs which may | |
contain timed GPS. | |
| |
[1m-ext[0m[+] [4mEXT[0m, [1m--ext[0m [4mEXT[0m | |
([1m-extension[0m) | |
Process only files with ([1m-ext[0m) or without ([1m--ext[0m) a specified | |
extension. There may be multiple [1m-ext[0m and [1m--ext[0m options. A plus sign | |
may be added (ie. [1m-ext+[0m) to add the specified extension to the | |
normally processed files. EXT may begin with a leading '.', which is | |
ignored. Case is not significant. "*" may be used to process files | |
with any extension (or none at all), as in the last three examples | |
| |
exiftool -ext JPG DIR # process only JPG files | |
exiftool --ext cr2 --ext dng DIR # supported files but CR2/DNG | |
exiftool -ext+ txt DIR # supported files plus TXT | |
exiftool -ext "*" DIR # process all files | |
exiftool -ext "*" --ext xml DIR # process all but XML files | |
exiftool -ext "*" --ext . DIR # all but those with no ext | |
| |
Using this option has two main advantages over specifying "*.[4mEXT[0m" on | |
the command line | 1) It applies to files in subdirectories when |
combined with the [1m-r[0m option. 2) The [1m-ext[0m option is case-insensitive, | |
which is useful when processing files on case-sensitive filesystems. | |
| |
Note that all files specified on the command line will be processed | |
regardless of extension unless the [1m-ext[0m option is used. | |
| |
[1m-F[0m[[4mOFFSET[0m] ([1m-fixBase[0m) | |
Fix the base for maker notes offsets. A common problem with some | |
image editors is that offsets in the maker notes are not adjusted | |
properly when the file is modified. This may cause the wrong values | |
to be extracted for some maker note entries when reading the edited | |
file. This option allows an integer [4mOFFSET[0m to be specified for | |
adjusting the maker notes base offset. If no [4mOFFSET[0m is given, | |
ExifTool takes its best guess at the correct base. Note that exiftool | |
will automatically fix the offsets for images which store original | |
offset information (eg. newer Canon models). Offsets are fixed | |
permanently if [1m-F[0m is used when writing EXIF to an image. eg) | |
| |
exiftool -F -exif | resolutionunit=inches image.jpg |
| |
[1m-fast[0m[[4mNUM[0m] | |
Increase speed of extracting information. With [1m-fast[0m (or [1m-fast1[0m), | |
ExifTool will not scan to the end of a JPEG image to check for an | |
AFCP or PreviewImage trailer, or past the first comment in GIF images | |
or the audio/video data in WAV/AVI files to search for additional | |
metadata. These speed benefits are small when reading images directly | |
from disk, but can be substantial if piping images through a network | |
connection. For more substantial speed benefits, [1m-fast2[0m also causes | |
exiftool to avoid extracting any EXIF MakerNote information. | |
[1m-fast3[0m avoids extracting metadata from the file, and returns only | |
pseudo System tags, but still reads the file header to obtain an | |
educated guess at FileType. [1m-fast4[0m doesn't even read the file header, | |
and returns only System tags and a FileType based on the file | |
extension. [1m-fast5[0m also disables generation of the Composite tags | |
(like [1m-e[0m). Has no effect when writing. | |
| |
Note that a separate [1m-fast[0m setting may be used for evaluation of a | |
[1m-if[0m condition, or when ordering files with the [1m-fileOrder[0m option. See | |
the [1m-if[0m and [1m-fileOrder[0m options for details. | |
| |
[1m-fileOrder[0m[[4mNUM[0m] [-][4mTAG[0m | |
Set file processing order according to the sorted value of the | |
specified [4mTAG[0m. For example, to process files in order of date | |
| |
exiftool -fileOrder DateTimeOriginal DIR | |
| |
Additional [1m-fileOrder[0m options may be added for secondary sort keys. | |
Numbers are sorted numerically, and all other values are sorted | |
alphabetically. Files missing the specified tag are sorted last. The | |
sort order may be reversed by prefixing the tag name with a "-" (eg. | |
"-fileOrder -createdate"). Print conversion of the sorted values is | |
disabled with the [1m-n[0m option, or a "#" appended to the tag name. Other | |
formatting options (eg. [1m-d[0m) have no effect on the sorted values. Note | |
that the [1m-fileOrder[0m option can have a large performance impact since | |
it involves an additional processing pass of each file, but this | |
impact may be reduced by specifying a [4mNUM[0m for the [1m-fast[0m level used | |
during the metadata-extraction phase. For example, [1m-fileOrder4[0m may be | |
used if [4mTAG[0m is a pseudo System tag. If multiple [1m-fileOrder[0m options | |
are used, the extraction is done at the lowest [1m-fast[0m level. Note that | |
files are sorted across directory boundaries if multiple input | |
directories are specified. | |
| |
[1m-i[0m [4mDIR[0m ([1m-ignore[0m) | |
Ignore specified directory name. [4mDIR[0m may be either an individual | |
folder name, or a full path. If a full path is specified, it must | |
match the Directory tag exactly to be ignored. Use multiple [1m-i[0m | |
options to ignore more than one directory name. A special [4mDIR[0m value | |
of "SYMLINKS" (case sensitive) may be specified to avoid recursing | |
into directories which are symbolic links when the [1m-r[0m option is used. | |
As well, a value of "HIDDEN" (case sensitive) may be used to ignore | |
files with names that start with a "." (ie. hidden files on Unix | |
systems) when scanning a directory. | |
| |
[1m-if[0m[[4mNUM[0m] [4mEXPR[0m | |
Specify a condition to be evaluated before processing each [4mFILE[0m. | |
[4mEXPR[0m is a Perl-like logic expression containing tag names prefixed by | |
"$" symbols. It is evaluated with the tags from each [4mFILE[0m in turn, | |
and the file is processed only if the expression returns true. Unlike | |
Perl variable names, tag names are not case sensitive and may contain | |
a hyphen. As well, tag names may have a leading group names separated | |
by colons, and/or a trailing "#" character to disable print | |
conversion. The expression $GROUP | all evaluates to 1 if any tag |
exists in the specified "GROUP", or 0 otherwise (see note 2 below). | |
When multiple [1m-if[0m options are used, all conditions must be satisfied | |
to process the file. Returns an exit status of 2 if all files fail | |
the condition. Below are a few examples | |
| |
# extract shutterspeed from all Canon images in a directory | |
exiftool -shutterspeed -if '$make eq "Canon"' dir | |
| |
# add one hour to all images created on or after Apr. 2, 2006 | |
exiftool -alldates+=1 -if '$CreateDate ge "2006 | 04:02"' dir |
| |
# set EXIF ISO value if possible, unless it is set already | |
exiftool '-exif | iso |
| |
# find images containing a specific keyword (case insensitive) | |
exiftool -if '$keywords =~ /harvey/i' -filename dir | |
| |
Adding [4mNUM[0m to the [1m-if[0m option causes a separate processing pass to be | |
executed for evaluating [4mEXPR[0m at a [1m-fast[0m level given by [4mNUM[0m (see the | |
[1m-fast[0m option documentation for details). Without [4mNUM[0m, only one | |
processing pass is done at the level specified by the [1m-fast[0m option. | |
For example, using [1m-if5[0m is possible if [4mEXPR[0m uses only pseudo System | |
tags, and may significantly speed processing if enough files fail the | |
condition. | |
| |
The expression has access to the current ExifTool object through | |
$self, and the following special functions are available to allow | |
short-circuiting of the file processing. Both functions have a return | |
value of 1. Case is significant for function names. | |
| |
End() - end processing after this file | |
EndDir() - end processing of files in this directory (not | |
compatible with the B<-fileOrder> option) | |
| |
Notes | |
| |
1) The [1m-n[0m and [1m-b[0m options also apply to tags used in [4mEXPR[0m. | |
| |
2) Some binary data blocks are not extracted unless specified | |
explicitly. These tags are not available for use in the [1m-if[0m condition | |
unless they are also specified on the command line. The alternative | |
is to use the $GROUP | all syntax. (eg. Use $exif:all instead of $exif |
in [4mEXPR[0m to test for the existence of EXIF tags.) | |
| |
3) Tags in the string are interpolated the same way as with [1m-p[0m before | |
the expression is evaluated. In this interpolation, $/ is converted | |
to a newline and $$ represents a single "$" symbol (so Perl | |
variables, if used, require a double "$"). | |
| |
4) The condition may only test tags from the file being processed. To | |
process one file based on tags from another, two steps are required. | |
For example, to process XMP sidecar files in directory "DIR" based on | |
tags from the associated NEF | |
| |
exiftool -if EXPR -p '$directory/$filename' -ext nef DIR > nef.txt | |
exiftool -@ nef.txt -srcfile %d%f.xmp ... | |
| |
5) The [1m-a[0m option has no effect on the evaluation of the expression, | |
and the values of duplicate tags are accessible only by specifying a | |
group name (such as a family 4 instance number, eg. $Copy1 | TAG, |
$Copy2 | TAG, etc). |
| |
6) A special "OK" UserParam is available to test the success of the | |
previous command when [1m-execute[0m was used, and may be used like any | |
other tag in the condition (ie. "$OK"). | |
| |
[1m-m[0m ([1m-ignoreMinorErrors[0m) | |
Ignore minor errors and warnings. This enables writing to files with | |
minor errors and disables some validation checks which could result | |
in minor warnings. Generally, minor errors/warnings indicate a | |
problem which usually won't result in loss of metadata if ignored. | |
However, there are exceptions, so ExifTool leaves it up to you to | |
make the final decision. Minor errors and warnings are indicated by | |
"[minor]" at the start of the message. Warnings which affect | |
processing when ignored are indicated by "[Minor]" (with a capital | |
"M"). Note that this causes missing values in [1m-tagsFromFile[0m, [1m-p[0m and | |
[1m-if[0m strings to be set to an empty string rather than an undefined | |
value. | |
| |
[1m-o[0m [4mOUTFILE[0m or [4mFMT[0m ([1m-out[0m) | |
Set the output file or directory name when writing information. | |
Without this option, when any "real" tags are written the original | |
file is renamed to "FILE_original" and output is written to [4mFILE[0m. | |
When writing only FileName and/or Directory "pseudo" tags, [1m-o[0m causes | |
the file to be copied instead of moved, but directories specified for | |
either of these tags take precedence over that specified by the | |
[1m-o[0m option. | |
| |
[4mOUTFILE[0m may be "-" to write to stdout. The output file name may also | |
be specified using a [4mFMT[0m string in which %d, %f and %e represent the | |
directory, file name and extension of [4mFILE[0m. Also, %c may be used to | |
add a copy number. See the [1m-w[0m option for [4mFMT[0m string examples. | |
| |
The output file is taken to be a directory name if it already exists | |
as a directory or if the name ends with '/'. Output directories are | |
created if necessary. Existing files will not be overwritten. | |
Combining the [1m-overwrite_original[0m option with [1m-o[0m causes the original | |
source file to be erased after the output file is successfully | |
written. | |
| |
A special feature of this option allows the creation of certain types | |
of files from scratch, or with the metadata from another type of | |
file. The following file types may be created using this technique | |
| |
| |
The output file type is determined by the extension of [4mOUTFILE[0m | |
(specified as "-.EXT" when writing to stdout). The output file is | |
then created from a combination of information in [4mFILE[0m (as if the | |
[1m-tagsFromFile[0m option was used), and tag values assigned on the | |
command line. If no [4mFILE[0m is specified, the output file may be created | |
from scratch using only tags assigned on the command line. | |
| |
[1m-overwrite_original[0m | |
Overwrite the original [4mFILE[0m (instead of preserving it by adding | |
"_original" to the file name) when writing information to an image. | |
Caution | This option should only be used if you already have separate |
backup copies of your image files. The overwrite is implemented by | |
renaming a temporary file to replace the original. This deletes the | |
original file and replaces it with the edited version in a single | |
operation. When combined with [1m-o[0m, this option causes the original | |
file to be deleted if the output file was successfully written (ie. | |
the file is moved instead of copied). | |
| |
[1m-overwrite_original_in_place[0m | |
Similar to [1m-overwrite_original[0m except that an extra step is added to | |
allow the original file attributes to be preserved. For example, on a | |
Mac this causes the original file creation date, type, creator, label | |
color, icon, Finder tags, other extended attributes and hard links to | |
the file to be preserved (but note that the Mac OS resource fork is | |
always preserved unless specifically deleted with "-rsrc | all="). This |
is implemented by opening the original file in update mode and | |
replacing its data with a copy of a temporary file before deleting | |
the temporary. The extra step results in slower performance, so the | |
[1m-overwrite_original[0m option should be used instead unless necessary. | |
| |
Note that this option reverts to the behaviour of the | |
[1m-overwrite_original[0m option when also writing the FileName and/or | |
Directory tags. | |
| |
[1m-P[0m ([1m-preserve[0m) | |
Preserve the filesystem modification date/time ("FileModifyDate") of | |
the original file when writing. Note that some filesystems store a | |
creation date (ie. "FileCreateDate" on Windows and Mac systems) which | |
is not affected by this option. This creation date is preserved on | |
Windows systems where Win32API | :File and Win32::API are available |
regardless of this setting. For other systems, the | |
[1m-overwrite_original_in_place[0m option may be used if necessary to | |
preserve the creation date. The [1m-P[0m option is superseded by any value | |
written to the FileModifyDate tag. | |
| |
[1m-password[0m [4mPASSWD[0m | |
Specify password to allow processing of password-protected PDF | |
documents. If a password is required but not given, a warning is | |
issued and the document is not processed. This option is ignored if a | |
password is not required. | |
| |
[1m-progress[0m[ | [[4mTITLE[0m]] |
Show the progress when processing files. Without a colon, the | |
[1m-progress[0m option adds a progress count in brackets after the name of | |
each processed file, giving the current file number and the total | |
number of files to be processed. Implies the [1m-v0[0m option, causing the | |
names of processed files to also be printed when writing. When | |
combined with the [1m-if[0m option, the total count includes all files | |
before the condition is applied, but files that fail the condition | |
will not have their names printed. | |
| |
If followed by a colon (ie. [1m-progress | [0m), the console window title is |
set according to the specified [4mTITLE[0m string. If no [4mTITLE[0m is given, a | |
default [4mTITLE[0m string of "ExifTool %p%%" is assumed. In the string, %f | |
represents the file name, %p is the progress as a percent, %r is the | |
progress as a ratio, %##b is a progress bar of width "##" (20 | |
characters if "##" is omitted), and %% is a % character. May be | |
combined with the normal [1m-progress[0m option to also show the progress | |
count in console messages. (Note | For this feature to function |
correctly on Mac/Linux, stderr must go to the console.) | |
| |
[1m-q[0m ([1m-quiet[0m) | |
Quiet processing. One [1m-q[0m suppresses normal informational messages, | |
and a second [1m-q[0m suppresses warnings as well. Error messages can not | |
be suppressed, although minor errors may be downgraded to warnings | |
with the [1m-m[0m option, which may then be suppressed with "-q -q". | |
| |
[1m-r[0m[.] ([1m-recurse[0m) | |
Recursively process files in subdirectories. Only meaningful if | |
[4mFILE[0m is a directory name. Subdirectories with names beginning with | |
"." are not processed unless "." is added to the option name (ie. | |
[1m-r.[0m or [1m-recurse.[0m). By default, exiftool will also follow symbolic | |
links to directories if supported by the system, but this may be | |
disabled with "-i SYMLINKS" (see the [1m-i[0m option for details). Combine | |
this with [1m-ext[0m options to control the types of files processed. | |
| |
[1m-scanForXMP[0m | |
Scan all files (even unsupported formats) for XMP information unless | |
found already. When combined with the [1m-fast[0m option, only unsupported | |
file types are scanned. Warning | It can be time consuming to scan |
large files. | |
| |
[1m-u[0m ([1m-unknown[0m) | |
Extract values of unknown tags. Add another [1m-u[0m to also extract | |
unknown information from binary data blocks. This option applies to | |
tags with numerical tag ID's, and causes tag names like "Exif_0xc5d9" | |
to be generated for unknown information. It has no effect on | |
information types which have human-readable tag ID's (such as XMP), | |
since unknown tags are extracted automatically from these formats. | |
| |
[1m-U[0m ([1m-unknown2[0m) | |
Extract values of unknown tags as well as unknown information from | |
some binary data blocks. This is the same as two [1m-u[0m options. | |
| |
[1m-wm[0m [4mMODE[0m ([1m-writeMode[0m) | |
Set mode for writing/creating tags. [4mMODE[0m is a string of one or more | |
characters from the list below. The default write mode is "wcg". | |
| |
w - Write existing tags | |
c - Create new tags | |
g - create new Groups as necessary | |
| |
For example, use "-wm cg" to only create new tags (and avoid editing | |
existing ones). | |
| |
The level of the group is the SubDirectory level in the metadata | |
structure. For XMP or IPTC this is the full XMP/IPTC block (the | |
family 0 group), but for EXIF this is the individual IFD (the family | |
1 group). | |
| |
[1m-z[0m ([1m-zip[0m) | |
When reading, causes information to be extracted from .gz and .bz2 | |
compressed images (only one image per archive; requires gzip and | |
bzip2 to be available). When writing, causes compressed information | |
to be written if supported by the metadata format (eg. compressed | |
textual metadata in PNG), disables the recommended padding in | |
embedded XMP (saving 2424 bytes when writing XMP in a file), and | |
writes XMP in shorthand format -- the equivalent of setting the API | |
Compress=1 and Compact="NoPadding,Shorthand". | |
| |
Other options | |
[1m-@[0m [4mARGFILE[0m | |
Read command-line arguments from the specified file. The file | |
contains one argument per line (NOT one option per line -- some | |
options require additional arguments, and all arguments must be | |
placed on separate lines). Blank lines and lines beginning with "#" | |
are ignored (unless they start with "#[CSTR]", in which case the rest | |
of the line is treated as a C string, allowing standard C escape | |
sequences such as "\n" for a newline). White space at the start of a | |
line is removed. Normal shell processing of arguments is not | |
performed, which among other things means that arguments should not | |
be quoted and spaces are treated as any other character. [4mARGFILE[0m may | |
exist relative to either the current directory or the exiftool | |
directory unless an absolute pathname is given. | |
| |
For example, the following [4mARGFILE[0m will set the value of Copyright to | |
"Copyright YYYY, Phil Harvey", where "YYYY" is the year of | |
CreateDate | |
| |
-d | |
%Y | |
-copyright | |
| |
Arguments in [4mARGFILE[0m behave exactly the same as if they were entered | |
at the location of the [1m-@[0m option on the command line, with the | |
exception that the [1m-config[0m and [1m-common_args[0m options may not be used | |
in an [4mARGFILE[0m. | |
| |
[1m-k[0m ([1m-pause[0m) | |
Pause with the message "-- press any key --" or "-- press RETURN --" | |
(depending on your system) before terminating. This option is used to | |
prevent the command window from closing when run as a Windows drag | |
and drop application. | |
| |
[1m-list[0m, [1m-listw[0m, [1m-listf[0m, [1m-listr[0m, [1m-listwf[0m, [1m-listg[0m[[4mNUM[0m], [1m-listd[0m, | |
[1m-listx[0m | |
Print a list of all valid tag names ([1m-list[0m), all writable tag names | |
([1m-listw[0m), all supported file extensions ([1m-listf[0m), all recognized file | |
extensions ([1m-listr[0m), all writable file extensions ([1m-listwf[0m), all tag | |
groups [in a specified family] ([1m-listg[0m[[4mNUM[0m]), all deletable tag | |
groups ([1m-listd[0m), or an XML database of tag details including language | |
translations ([1m-listx[0m). The [1m-list[0m, [1m-listw[0m and [1m-listx[0m options may be | |
followed by an additional argument of the form "-GROUP | All" to list |
only tags in a specific group, where "GROUP" is one or more family | |
0-2 group names (excepting EXIF IFD groups) separated by colons. With | |
[1m-listg[0m, [4mNUM[0m may be given to specify the group family, otherwise | |
family 0 is assumed. The [1m-l[0m option may be combined with [1m-listf[0m, | |
[1m-listr[0m or [1m-listwf[0m to add file descriptions to the list. The [1m-lang[0m | |
option may be combined with [1m-listx[0m to output descriptions in a single | |
language. Here are some examples | |
| |
-list # list all tag names | |
-list -EXIF | All # list all EXIF tags |
-list -xmp | time:all # list all XMP tags relating to time |
-listw -XMP-dc | All # list all writable XMP-dc tags |
-listf # list all supported file extensions | |
-listr # list all recognized file extensions | |
-listwf # list all writable file extensions | |
-listg1 # list all groups in family 1 | |
-listd # list all deletable groups | |
-listx -EXIF | All # list database of EXIF tags in XML format |
-listx -XMP | All -s # list short XML database of XMP tags |
| |
When combined with [1m-listx[0m, the [1m-s[0m option shortens the output by | |
omitting the descriptions and values (as in the last example above), | |
and [1m-f[0m adds a 'flags' attribute if applicable. The flags are | |
formatted as a comma-separated list of the following possible values | |
Avoid, Binary, List, Mandatory, Permanent, Protected, Unknown and | |
Unsafe (see the Tag Name documentation). For XMP List tags, the list | |
type (Alt, Bag or Seq) is added to the flags, and flattened structure | |
tags are indicated by a Flattened flag. | |
| |
Note that none of the [1m-list[0m options require an input [4mFILE[0m. | |
| |
[1m-ver[0m Print exiftool version number. The [1m-v[0m option may be added to print | |
addition system information (see the README file of the full | |
distribution for more details about optional libraries), or [1m-v2[0m to | |
also list the Perl include directories. | |
| |
[1m--[0m Indicates the end of options. Any remaining arguments are treated as | |
file names, even if they begin with a dash ("-"). | |
| |
Special features | |
[1m-geotag[0m [4mTRKFILE[0m | |
Geotag images from the specified GPS track log file. Using the | |
[1m-geotag[0m option is equivalent to writing a value to the "Geotag" tag. | |
The GPS position is interpolated from the track at a time specified | |
by the value written to the "Geotime" tag. If "Geotime" is not | |
specified, the value is copied from "DateTimeOriginal#" (the "#" is | |
added to copy the unformatted value, avoiding potential conflicts | |
with the [1m-d[0m option). For example, the following two commands are | |
equivalent | |
| |
exiftool -geotag trk.log image.jpg | |
exiftool -geotag trk.log "-Geotime | |
| |
When the "Geotime" value is converted to UTC, the local system | |
timezone is assumed unless the date/time value contains a timezone. | |
Writing "Geotime" causes the following tags to be written (provided | |
they can be calculated from the track log, and they are supported by | |
the destination metadata format) | GPSLatitude, GPSLatitudeRef, |
GPSLongitude, GPSLongitudeRef, GPSAltitude, GPSAltitudeRef, | |
GPSDateStamp, GPSTimeStamp, GPSDateTime, GPSTrack, GPSTrackRef, | |
GPSSpeed, GPSSpeedRef, GPSImgDirection, GPSImgDirectionRef, GPSPitch, | |
GPSRoll, AmbientTemperature and CameraElevationAngle. By default, | |
tags are created in EXIF, and updated in XMP only if they already | |
exist. However, "EXIF | Geotime" or "XMP:Geotime" may be specified to |
write only EXIF or XMP tags respectively. Note that GPSPitch and | |
GPSRoll are non-standard, and require user-defined tags in order to | |
be written. | |
| |
The "Geosync" tag may be used to specify a time correction which is | |
applied to each "Geotime" value for synchronization with GPS time. | |
For example, the following command compensates for image times which | |
are 1 minute and 20 seconds behind GPS | |
| |
exiftool -geosync=+1 | 20 -geotag a.log DIR |
| |
Advanced "Geosync" features allow a linear time drift correction and | |
synchronization from previously geotagged images. See "geotag.html" | |
in the full ExifTool distribution for more information. | |
| |
Multiple [1m-geotag[0m options may be used to concatenate GPS track log | |
data. Also, a single [1m-geotag[0m option may be used to load multiple | |
track log files by using wildcards in the [4mTRKFILE[0m name, but note that | |
in this case [4mTRKFILE[0m must be quoted on most systems (with the notable | |
exception of Windows) to prevent filename expansion. For example | |
| |
exiftool -geotag "TRACKDIR/*.log" IMAGEDIR | |
| |
Currently supported track file formats are GPX, NMEA RMC/GGA/GLL, | |
KML, IGC, Garmin XML and TCX, Magellan PMGNTRK, Honeywell PTNTHPR, | |
Bramor gEO, Winplus Beacon TXT, and GPS/IMU CSV files. See | |
"GEOTAGGING EXAMPLES" for examples. Also see "geotag.html" in the | |
full ExifTool distribution and the Image | :ExifTool Options for more |
details and for information about geotag configuration options. | |
| |
[1m-globalTimeShift[0m [4mSHIFT[0m | |
Shift all formatted date/time values by the specified amount when | |
reading. Does not apply to unformatted ([1m-n[0m) output. [4mSHIFT[0m takes the | |
same form as the date/time shift when writing (see | |
Image | for details), with a negative shift being |
indicated with a minus sign ("-") at the start of the [4mSHIFT[0m string. | |
For example | |
| |
# return all date/times, shifted back by 1 hour | |
exiftool -globalTimeShift -1 -time | all a.jpg |
| |
# set the file name from the shifted CreateDate (-1 day) for | |
# all images in a directory | |
exiftool "-filename | 0:1 0:0:0" \ |
-d %Y%m%d-%H%M%S.%%e dir | |
| |
[1m-use[0m [4mMODULE[0m | |
Add features from specified plug-in [4mMODULE[0m. Currently, the MWG module | |
is the only plug-in module distributed with exiftool. This module | |
adds read/write support for tags as recommended by the Metadata | |
Working Group. As a convenience, "-use MWG" is assumed if the "MWG" | |
group is specified for any tag on the command line. See the MWG Tags | |
documentation for more details. Note that this option is not | |
reversible, and remains in effect until the application terminates, | |
even across the [1m-execute[0m option. | |
| |
Utilities | |
[1m-restore_original[0m | |
[1m-delete_original[0m[!] | |
These utility options automate the maintenance of the "_original" | |
files created by exiftool. They have no effect on files without an | |
"_original" copy. The [1m-restore_original[0m option restores the specified | |
files from their original copies by renaming the "_original" files to | |
replace the edited versions. For example, the following command | |
restores the originals of all JPG images in directory "DIR" | |
| |
exiftool -restore_original -ext jpg DIR | |
| |
The [1m-delete_original[0m option deletes the "_original" copies of all | |
files specified on the command line. Without a trailing "!" this | |
option prompts for confirmation before continuing. For example, the | |
following command deletes "a.jpg_original" if it exists, after asking | |
"Are you sure?" | |
| |
exiftool -delete_original a.jpg | |
| |
These options may not be used with other options to read or write tag | |
values in the same command, but may be combined with options such | |
[1m-ext[0m, [1m-if[0m, [1m-r[0m, [1m-q[0m and [1m-v[0m. | |
| |
Advanced options | |
Among other things, the advanced options allow complex processing to be | |
performed from a single command without the need for additional scripting. | |
This may be particularly useful for implementations such as Windows | |
drag-and-drop applications. These options may also be used to improve | |
performance in multi-pass processing by reducing the overhead required to | |
load exiftool for each invocation. | |
| |
[1m-api[0m [4mOPT[[^]=[VAL]][0m | |
Set ExifTool API option. [4mOPT[0m is an API option name. The option value | |
is set to 1 if [4m=VAL[0m is omitted. If [4mVAL[0m is omitted, the option value | |
is set to undef if "=" is used, or an empty string with "^=". See | |
Image | :ExifTool Options for a list of available API options. This |
overrides API options set via the config file. | |
| |
[1m-common_args[0m | |
Specifies that all arguments following this option are common to all | |
executed commands when [1m-execute[0m is used. This and the [1m-config[0m option | |
are the only options that may not be used inside a [1m-@[0m [4mARGFILE[0m. Note | |
that by definition this option and its arguments MUST come after all | |
other options on the command line. | |
| |
[1m-config[0m [4mCFGFILE[0m | |
Load specified configuration file instead of the default | |
".ExifTool_config". If used, this option must come before all other | |
arguments on the command line and applies to all [1m-execute[0m'd commands. | |
The [4mCFGFILE[0m must exist relative to the current working directory or | |
the exiftool application directory unless an absolute path is | |
specified. Loading of the default config file may be disabled by | |
setting [4mCFGFILE[0m to an empty string (ie. ""). See | |
| //> and config_files/example.config in |
the full ExifTool distribution for details about the configuration | |
file syntax. | |
| |
[1m-echo[0m[[4mNUM[0m] [4mTEXT[0m | |
Echo [4mTEXT[0m to stdout ([1m-echo[0m or [1m-echo1[0m) or stderr ([1m-echo2[0m). Text is | |
output as the command line is parsed, before the processing of any | |
input files. [4mNUM[0m may also be 3 or 4 to output text (to stdout or | |
stderr respectively) after processing is complete. For [1m-echo3[0m and | |
[1m-echo4[0m, "${status}" may be used in the [4mTEXT[0m string to represent the | |
numerical exit status of the command (see "EXIT STATUS"). | |
| |
[1m-efile[0m[[4mNUM[0m][!] [4mERRFILE[0m | |
Save the names of files giving errors ([4mNUM[0m missing or 1), files that | |
were unchanged ([4mNUM[0m is 2), files that fail the [1m-if[0m condition ([4mNUM[0m is | |
4), or any combination thereof (by summing [4mNUM[0m, eg. [1m-efile3[0m is the | |
same has having both [1m-efile[0m and [1m-efile2[0m options with the same | |
[4mERRFILE[0m). By default, file names are appended to any existing | |
[4mERRFILE[0m, but [4mERRFILE[0m is overwritten if an exclamation point is added | |
to the option (eg. [1m-efile![0m). Saves the name of the file specified by | |
the [1m-srcfile[0m option if applicable. | |
| |
[1m-execute[0m[[4mNUM[0m] | |
Execute command for all arguments up to this point on the command | |
line (plus any arguments specified by [1m-common_args[0m). The result is as | |
if the commands were executed as separate command lines (with the | |
exception of the [1m-config[0m and [1m-use[0m options which remain in effect for | |
subsequent commands). Allows multiple commands to be executed from a | |
single command line. [4mNUM[0m is an optional number that is echoed in the | |
"{ready}" message when using the [1m-stay_open[0m feature. If a [4mNUM[0m is | |
specified, the [1m-q[0m option no longer suppresses the output "{readyNUM}" | |
message. | |
| |
[1m-list_dir[0m | |
List directories themselves instead of their contents. This option | |
effectively causes directories to be treated as normal files when | |
reading and writing. For example, with this option the output of the | |
"ls -la" command on Mac/Linux may be approximated by this exiftool | |
command | |
| |
exiftool -list_dir -T -ls-l -api systemtags -fast5 .* * | |
| |
(The [1m-T[0m option formats the output in tab-separated columns, [1m-ls-l[0m is | |
a shortcut tag, the API SystemTags option is required to extract some | |
necessary tags, and the [1m-fast5[0m option is added for speed since only | |
system tags are being extracted.) | |
| |
[1m-srcfile[0m [4mFMT[0m | |
Specify a different source file to be processed based on the name of | |
the original [4mFILE[0m. This may be useful in some special situations for | |
processing related preview images or sidecar files. See the [1m-w[0m option | |
for a description of the [4mFMT[0m syntax. Note that file name [4mFMT[0m strings | |
for all options are based on the original [4mFILE[0m specified from the | |
command line, not the name of the source file specified by [1m-srcfile[0m. | |
| |
For example, to copy metadata from NEF files to the corresponding JPG | |
previews in a directory where other JPG images may exist | |
| |
exiftool -ext nef -tagsfromfile @ -srcfile %d%f.jpg dir | |
| |
If more than one [1m-srcfile[0m option is specified, the files are tested | |
in order and the first existing source file is processed. If none of | |
the source files already exist, then exiftool uses the first | |
[1m-srcfile[0m specified. | |
| |
A [4mFMT[0m of "@" may be used to represent the original [4mFILE[0m, which may be | |
useful when specifying multiple [1m-srcfile[0m options (eg. to fall back to | |
processing the original [4mFILE[0m if no sidecar exists). | |
| |
When this option is used, two special UserParam tags | |
(OriginalFileName and OriginalDirectory) are generated to allow | |
access to the original [4mFILE[0m name and directory. | |
| |
[1m-stay_open[0m [4mFLAG[0m | |
If [4mFLAG[0m is 1 or "True" (case insensitive), causes exiftool keep | |
reading from the [1m-@[0m [4mARGFILE[0m even after reaching the end of file. This | |
feature allows calling applications to pre-load exiftool, thus | |
avoiding the overhead of loading exiftool for each command. The | |
procedure is as follows | |
| |
1) Execute "exiftool -stay_open True -@ [4mARGFILE[0m", where [4mARGFILE[0m is | |
the name of an existing (possibly empty) argument file or "-" to pipe | |
arguments from the standard input. | |
| |
2) Write exiftool command-line arguments to [4mARGFILE[0m, one argument per | |
line (see the [1m-@[0m option for details). | |
| |
3) Write "-execute\n" to [4mARGFILE[0m, where "\n" represents a newline | |
sequence. (Note | You may need to flush your write buffers here if |
using buffered output.) ExifTool will then execute the command with | |
the arguments received up to this point, send a "{ready}" message to | |
stdout when done (unless the [1m-q[0m or [1m-T[0m option is used), and continue | |
trying to read arguments for the next command from [4mARGFILE[0m. To aid in | |
command/response synchronization, any number appended to the | |
[1m-execute[0m option is echoed in the "{ready}" message. For example, | |
"-execute613" results in "{ready613}". When this number is added, | |
[1m-q[0m no longer suppresses the "{ready}" message. (Also, see the | |
[1m-echo3[0m and [1m-echo4[0m options for additional ways to pass signals back to | |
your application.) | |
| |
4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each command. | |
| |
5) Write "-stay_open\nFalse\n" (or "-stay_open\n0\n") to [4mARGFILE[0m when | |
done. This will cause exiftool to process any remaining command-line | |
arguments then exit normally. | |
| |
The input [4mARGFILE[0m may be changed at any time before step 5 above by | |
writing the following lines to the currently open [4mARGFILE[0m | |
| |
-stay_open | |
True | |
-@ | |
| |
This causes [4mARGFILE[0m to be closed, and [4mNEWARGFILE[0m to be kept open. | |
(Without the [1m-stay_open[0m here, exiftool would have returned to reading | |
arguments from [4mARGFILE[0m after reaching the end of [4mNEWARGFILE[0m.) | |
| |
Note | When writing arguments to a disk file there is a delay of up to |
0.01 seconds after writing "-execute\n" before exiftool starts | |
processing the command. This delay may be avoided by sending a CONT | |
signal to the exiftool process immediately after writing | |
"-execute\n". (There is no associated delay when writing arguments | |
via a pipe with "-@ -", so the signal is not necessary when using | |
this technique.) | |
| |
[1m-userParam[0m [4mPARAM[[^]=[VAL]][0m | |
Set user parameter. [4mPARAM[0m is an arbitrary user parameter name. This | |
is an interface to the API UserParam option (see the Image | :ExifTool |
Options documentation), and provides a method to access user-defined | |
parameters in arguments to the [1m-if[0m and [1m-p[0m options as if they were any | |
other tag. Appending a hash tag ("#") to [4mPARAM[0m (eg. "-userParam | |
MyTag#=yes") also causes the parameter to be extracted as a normal | |
tag in the UserParam group. Similar to the [1m-api[0m option, the parameter | |
value is set to 1 if [4m=VAL[0m is omitted, undef if just [4mVAL[0m is omitted | |
with "=", or an empty string if [4mVAL[0m is omitted with "^=". | |
| |
exiftool -p '$test from $filename' -userparam test=Hello FILE | |
| |
Advanced formatting feature | |
An advanced formatting feature allows modification of the value of any tag | |
interpolated within a [1m-if[0m or [1m-p[0m option argument, or a [1m-tagsFromFile[0m | |
redirection string. Tag names within these strings are prefixed by a "$" | |
symbol, and an arbitrary Perl expression may be applied to the tag value | |
by placing braces around the tag name and inserting the expression after | |
the name, separated by a semicolon (ie. "${TAG;EXPR}"). The expression | |
acts on the value of the tag through the default input variable ($_), and | |
has access to the full ExifTool API through the current ExifTool object | |
($self) and the tag key ($tag). It may contain any valid Perl code, | |
including translation ("tr///") and substitution ("s///") operations, but | |
note that braces within the expression must be balanced. The example below | |
prints the camera Make with spaces translated to underlines, and multiple | |
consecutive underlines replaced by a single underline | |
| |
exiftool -p '${make;tr/ /_/;s/__+/_/g}' image.jpg | |
| |
An "@" may be added after the tag name to make the expression act on | |
individual list items for list-type tags, simplifying list processing. Set | |
$_ to undef to remove an item from the list. As an example, the following | |
command returns all subjects not containing the string "xxx" | |
| |
exiftool -p '${subject@;$_=undef if /xxx/}' image.jpg | |
| |
A default expression of "tr(/\\?* | |"<>\0)()d" is assumed if the expression |
is empty (ie. "${TAG;}"). This removes the characters / \ ? * | | < > and |
null from the printed value. (These characters are illegal in Windows file | |
names, so this feature is useful if tag values are used in file names.) | |
| |
Helper functions | |
"DateFmt" | |
| |
Simplifies reformatting of individual date/time values. This function acts | |
on a standard EXIF-formatted date/time value in $_ and formats it | |
according to the specified format string (see the [1m-d[0m option). To avoid | |
trying to reformat an already-formatted date/time value, a "#" must be | |
added to the tag name (as in the example below) if the [1m-d[0m option is also | |
used. For example | |
| |
exiftool -p '${createdate#;DateFmt("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S")}' a.jpg | |
| |
"ShiftTime" | |
| |
Shifts EXIF-formatted date/time string by a specified amount. Start with a | |
leading minus sign to shift backwards in time. See | |
Image | for details about shift syntax. For example, to |
shift a date/time value back by one year | |
| |
exiftool -p '${createdate;ShiftTime("-1 | 0:0 0")}' a.jpg |
| |
"NoDups" | |
| |
Removes duplicate items from a list with a separator specified by the | |
[1m-sep[0m option. This function is most useful when copying list-type tags. For | |
example, the following command may be used to remove duplicate Keywords | |
| |
exiftool -sep '##' '-keywords<${keywords;NoDups}' a.jpg | |
| |
The [1m-sep[0m option is necessary to split the string back into individual list | |
items when writing to a list-type tag. | |
| |
An optional flag argument may be set to 1 to cause "NoDups" to set $_ to | |
undef if no duplicates existed, thus preventing the file from being | |
rewritten unnecessarily | |
| |
exiftool -sep '##' '-keywords<${keywords;NoDups(1)}' a.jpg | |
| |
Note that function names are case sensitive. | |
| |
In Windows, command-line arguments are specified using the current code | |
page and are recoded automatically to the system code page. This recoding | |
is not done for arguments in ExifTool arg files, so by default filenames | |
in arg files use the system code page. Unfortunately, these code pages are | |
not complete character sets, so not all file names may be represented. | |
| |
ExifTool 9.79 and later allow the file name encoding to be specified with | |
"-charset filename=CHARSET", where "CHARSET" is the name of a valid | |
ExifTool character set, preferably "UTF8" (see the [1m-charset[0m option for a | |
complete list). Setting this triggers the use of Windows wide-character | |
i/o routines, thus providing support for most Unicode file names (see note | |
4). But note that it is not trivial to pass properly encoded file names on | |
the Windows command line (see | //> for |
details), so placing them in a UTF-8 encoded [1m-@[0m argfile and using | |
"-charset filename=utf8" is recommended if possible. | |
| |
A warning is issued if a specified filename contains special characters | |
and the filename character set was not provided. However, the warning may | |
be disabled by setting "-charset filename=""", and ExifTool may still | |
function correctly if the system code page matches the character set used | |
for the file names. | |
| |
When a directory name is provided, the file name encoding need not be | |
specified (unless the directory name contains special characters), and | |
ExifTool will automatically use wide-character routines to scan the | |
directory. | |
| |
The filename character set applies to the [4mFILE[0m arguments as well as | |
filename arguments of [1m-@[0m, [1m-geotag[0m, [1m-o[0m, [1m-p[0m, [1m-srcfile[0m, [1m-tagsFromFile[0m, [1m-csv[0m=, | |
[1m-j[0m= and [1m-[0m[4mTAG[0m<=. However, it does not apply to the [1m-config[0m filename, which | |
always uses the system character set. The "-charset filename=" option must | |
come before the [1m-@[0m option to be effective, but the order doesn't matter | |
with respect to other options. | |
| |
Notes | |
| |
1) FileName and Directory tag values still use the same encoding as other | |
tag values, and are converted to/from the filename character set when | |
writing/reading if specified. | |
| |
2) Unicode support is not yet implemented for other Windows-based systems | |
like Cygwin. | |
| |
3) See "WRITING READ-ONLY FILES" below for a note about editing read-only | |
files with Unicode names. | |
| |
4) Unicode file names with surrogate pairs (code points over U+FFFF) still | |
cause problems. | |
| |
In general, ExifTool may be used to write metadata to read-only files | |
provided that the user has write permission in the directory. However, | |
there are three cases where file write permission is also required | |
| |
1) When using the [1m-overwrite_original_in_place[0m option. | |
| |
2) When writing only pseudo System tags (eg. FileModifyDate). | |
| |
3) On Windows if the file has Unicode characters in its name, and a) the | |
[1m-overwrite_original[0m option is used, or b) the "_original" backup already | |
exists. | |
| |
Hidden files in Windows behave as read-only files when attempting to write | |
any real tags to the file -- an error is generated when using the | |
[1m-overwrite_original_in_place[0m, otherwise writing should be successful and | |
the hidden attribute will be removed. But the [1m-if[0m option may be used to | |
avoid processing hidden files (provided Win32API | :File is available): |
| |
exiftool -if "$fileattributes !~ /Hidden/" ... | |
| |
[1mNote[0m | Beware when cutting and pasting these examples into your terminal! |
Some characters such as single and double quotes and hyphens may have been | |
changed into similar-looking yet functionally-different characters by the | |
text formatter used to display this documentation. Also note that Windows | |
users must use double quotes instead of single quotes as below around | |
arguments containing special characters. | |
| |
exiftool -a -u -g1 a.jpg | |
Print all meta information in an image, including duplicate and | |
unknown tags, sorted by group (for family 1). For performance | |
reasons, this command may not extract all available metadata. | |
(Metadata in embedded documents, metadata extracted by external | |
utilities, and metadata requiring excessive processing time may not | |
be extracted). Add "-ee3" and "-api RequestAll=3" to the command to | |
extract absolutely everything available. | |
| |
exiftool -common dir | |
Print common meta information for all images in "dir". "-common" is a | |
shortcut tag representing common EXIF meta information. | |
| |
exiftool -T -createdate -aperture -shutterspeed -iso dir > out.txt | |
List specified meta information in tab-delimited column form for all | |
images in "dir" to an output text file named "out.txt". | |
| |
exiftool -s -ImageSize -ExposureTime b.jpg | |
Print ImageSize and ExposureTime tag names and values. | |
| |
exiftool -l -canon c.jpg d.jpg | |
Print standard Canon information from two image files. | |
| |
exiftool -r -w .txt -common pictures | |
Recursively extract common meta information from files in "pictures" | |
directory, writing text output to ".txt" files with the same names. | |
| |
exiftool -b -ThumbnailImage image.jpg > thumbnail.jpg | |
Save thumbnail image from "image.jpg" to a file called | |
"thumbnail.jpg". | |
| |
exiftool -b -JpgFromRaw -w _JFR.JPG -ext NEF -r . | |
Recursively extract JPG image from all Nikon NEF files in the current | |
directory, adding "_JFR.JPG" for the name of the output JPG files. | |
| |
exiftool -a -b -W %d%f_%t%-c.%s -preview | all dir |
Extract all types of preview images (ThumbnailImage, PreviewImage, | |
JpgFromRaw, etc.) from files in directory "dir", adding the tag name | |
to the output preview image file names. | |
| |
exiftool -d '%r %a, %B %e, %Y' -DateTimeOriginal -S -s -ext jpg . | |
Print formatted date/time for all JPG files in the current directory. | |
| |
exiftool -IFD1 | XResolution -IFD1:YResolution image.jpg |
Extract image resolution from EXIF IFD1 information (thumbnail image | |
IFD). | |
| |
exiftool '-*resolution*' image.jpg | |
Extract all tags with names containing the word "Resolution" from an | |
image. | |
| |
exiftool -xmp | author:all -a image.jpg |
Extract all author-related XMP information from an image. | |
| |
exiftool -xmp -b a.jpg > out.xmp | |
Extract complete XMP data record intact from "a.jpg" and write it to | |
"out.xmp" using the special "XMP" tag (see the Extra tags in | |
Image | :ExifTool::TagNames). |
| |
exiftool -p '$filename has date $dateTimeOriginal' -q -f dir | |
Print one line of output containing the file name and | |
DateTimeOriginal for each image in directory "dir". | |
| |
exiftool -ee3 -p '$gpslatitude, $gpslongitude, $gpstimestamp' a.m2ts | |
Extract all GPS positions from an AVCHD video. | |
| |
exiftool -icc_profile -b -w icc image.jpg | |
Save complete ICC_Profile from an image to an output file with the | |
same name and an extension of ".icc". | |
| |
exiftool -htmldump -w tmp/%f_%e.html t/images | |
Generate HTML pages from a hex dump of EXIF information in all images | |
from the "t/images" directory. The output HTML files are written to | |
the "tmp" directory (which is created if it didn't exist), with names | |
of the form 'FILENAME_EXT.html'. | |
| |
exiftool -a -b -ee -embeddedimage -W Image_%.3g3.%s file.pdf | |
Extract embedded JPG and JP2 images from a PDF file. The output | |
images will have file names like "Image_#.jpg" or "Image_#.jp2", | |
where "#" is the ExifTool family 3 embedded document number for the | |
image. | |
| |
Note that quotes are necessary around arguments which contain certain | |
special characters such as ">", "<" or any white space. These quoting",-"<"-or-any-white-space.-These-quoting"> | |
techniques are shell dependent, but the examples below will work for most | |
Unix shells. With the Windows cmd shell however, double quotes should be | |
used (eg. -Comment="This is a new comment"). | |
| |
exiftool -Comment='This is a new comment' dst.jpg | |
Write new comment to a JPG image (replaces any existing comment). | |
| |
exiftool -comment= -o newdir -ext jpg . | |
Remove comment from all JPG images in the current directory, writing | |
the modified images to a new directory. | |
| |
exiftool -keywords=EXIF -keywords=editor dst.jpg | |
Replace existing keyword list with two new keywords ("EXIF" and | |
"editor"). | |
| |
exiftool -Keywords+=word -o newfile.jpg src.jpg | |
Copy a source image to a new file, and add a keyword ("word") to the | |
current list of keywords. | |
| |
exiftool -exposurecompensation+=-0.5 a.jpg | |
Decrement the value of ExposureCompensation by 0.5 EV. Note that += | |
with a negative value is used for decrementing because the -= | |
operator is used for conditional deletion (see next example). | |
| |
exiftool -credit-=xxx dir | |
Delete Credit information from all files in a directory where the | |
Credit value was "xxx". | |
| |
exiftool -xmp | description-de='kühl' -E dst.jpg |
Write alternate language for XMP | Description, using HTML character |
escaping to input special characters. | |
| |
exiftool -all= dst.jpg | |
Delete all meta information from an image. Note | You should NOT do |
this to RAW images (except DNG) since proprietary RAW image formats | |
often contain information in the makernotes that is necessary for | |
converting the image. | |
| |
exiftool -all= -comment='lonely' dst.jpg | |
Delete all meta information from an image and add a comment back in. | |
(Note that the order is important | "-comment='lonely' -all=" would |
also delete the new comment.) | |
| |
exiftool -all= --jfif | all dst.jpg |
Delete all meta information except JFIF group from an image. | |
| |
exiftool -Photoshop | All= dst.jpg |
Delete Photoshop meta information from an image (note that the | |
Photoshop information also includes IPTC). | |
| |
exiftool -r -XMP-crss | all= DIR |
Recursively delete all XMP-crss information from images in a | |
directory. | |
| |
exiftool '-ThumbnailImage<=thumb.jpg' dst.jpg | |
Set the thumbnail image from specified file (Note | The quotes are |
necessary to prevent shell redirection). | |
| |
exiftool '-JpgFromRaw<=%d%f_JFR.JPG' -ext NEF -r . | |
Recursively write JPEG images with filenames ending in "_JFR.JPG" to | |
the JpgFromRaw tag of like-named files with extension ".NEF" in the | |
current directory. (This is the inverse of the "-JpgFromRaw" command | |
of the "READING EXAMPLES" section above.) | |
| |
exiftool -DateTimeOriginal-='0 | 0:0 1:30:0' dir |
Adjust original date/time of all images in directory "dir" by | |
subtracting one hour and 30 minutes. (This is equivalent to | |
"-DateTimeOriginal-=1.5". See Image | for details.) |
| |
exiftool -createdate+=3 -modifydate+=3 a.jpg b.jpg | |
Add 3 hours to the CreateDate and ModifyDate timestamps of two | |
images. | |
| |
exiftool -AllDates+=1 | 30 -if '$make eq "Canon"' dir |
Shift the values of DateTimeOriginal, CreateDate and ModifyDate | |
forward by 1 hour and 30 minutes for all Canon images in a directory. | |
(The AllDates tag is provided as a shortcut for these three tags, | |
allowing them to be accessed via a single tag.) | |
| |
exiftool -xmp | city=Kingston image1.jpg image2.nef |
Write a tag to the XMP group of two images. (Without the "xmp | " this |
tag would get written to the IPTC group since "City" exists in both, | |
and IPTC is preferred by default.) | |
| |
exiftool -LightSource-='Unknown (0)' dst.tiff | |
Delete "LightSource" tag only if it is unknown with a value of 0. | |
| |
exiftool -whitebalance-=auto -WhiteBalance=tung dst.jpg | |
Set "WhiteBalance" to "Tungsten" only if it was previously "Auto". | |
| |
exiftool -comment-= -comment='new comment' a.jpg | |
Write a new comment only if the image doesn't have one already. | |
| |
exiftool -o %d%f.xmp dir | |
Create XMP meta information data files for all images in "dir". | |
| |
exiftool -o test.xmp -owner=Phil -title='XMP File' | |
Create an XMP data file only from tags defined on the command line. | |
| |
exiftool '-ICC_Profile<=%d%f.icc' image.jpg | |
Write ICC_Profile to an image from a ".icc" file of the same name. | |
| |
exiftool -hierarchicalkeywords='{keyword=one,children={keyword=B}}' | |
Write structured XMP information. See | |
| //> for more details. |
| |
exiftool -trailer | all= image.jpg |
Delete any trailer found after the end of image (EOI) in a JPEG file. | |
A number of digital cameras store a large PreviewImage after the JPEG | |
EOI, and the file size may be reduced significantly by deleting this | |
trailer. See the JPEG Tags documentation for a list of recognized | |
JPEG trailers. | |
| |
These examples demonstrate the ability to copy tag values between files. | |
| |
exiftool -tagsFromFile src.cr2 dst.jpg | |
Copy the values of all writable tags from "src.cr2" to "dst.jpg", | |
writing the information to same-named tags in the preferred groups. | |
| |
exiftool -TagsFromFile src.jpg -all | all dst.jpg |
Copy the values of all writable tags from "src.jpg" to "dst.jpg", | |
preserving the original tag groups. | |
| |
exiftool -all= -tagsfromfile src.jpg -exif | all dst.jpg |
Erase all meta information from "dst.jpg" image, then copy EXIF tags | |
from "src.jpg". | |
| |
exiftool -exif | all= -tagsfromfile @ -all:all -unsafe bad.jpg |
Rebuild all EXIF meta information from scratch in an image. This | |
technique can be used in JPEG images to repair corrupted EXIF | |
information which otherwise could not be written due to errors. The | |
"Unsafe" tag is a shortcut for unsafe EXIF tags in JPEG images which | |
are not normally copied. See the tag name documentation for more | |
details about unsafe tags. | |
| |
exiftool -Tagsfromfile a.jpg out.xmp | |
Copy meta information from "a.jpg" to an XMP data file. If the XMP | |
data file "out.xmp" already exists, it will be updated with the new | |
information. Otherwise the XMP data file will be created. Only | |
metadata-only files may be created like this (files containing images | |
may be edited but not created). See "WRITING EXAMPLES" above for | |
another technique to generate XMP files. | |
| |
exiftool -tagsFromFile a.jpg -XMP | All= -ThumbnailImage= -m b.jpg |
Copy all meta information from "a.jpg" to "b.jpg", deleting all XMP | |
information and the thumbnail image from the destination. | |
| |
exiftool -TagsFromFile src.jpg -title -author=Phil dst.jpg | |
Copy title from one image to another and set a new author name. | |
| |
exiftool -TagsFromFile a.jpg -ISO -TagsFromFile b.jpg -comment dst.jpg | |
Copy ISO from one image and Comment from another image to a | |
destination image. | |
| |
exiftool -tagsfromfile src.jpg -exif | all --subifd:all dst.jpg |
Copy only the EXIF information from one image to another, excluding | |
SubIFD tags. | |
| |
exiftool '-FileModifyDate | |
Use the original date from the meta information to set the same | |
file's filesystem modification date for all images in a directory. | |
(Note that "-TagsFromFile @" is assumed if no other [1m-TagsFromFile[0m is | |
specified when redirecting information as in this example.) | |
| |
exiftool -TagsFromFile src.jpg '-xmp | all |
Copy all possible information from "src.jpg" and write in XMP format | |
to "dst.jpg". | |
| |
exiftool '-Description<${FileName;s/\.[^.]*$//}' dir | |
Set the image Description from the file name after removing the | |
extension. This example uses the "Advanced formatting feature" to | |
perform a substitution operation to remove the last dot and | |
subsequent characters from the file name. | |
| |
exiftool -@ iptc2xmp.args -iptc | all= a.jpg |
Translate IPTC information to XMP with appropriate tag name | |
conversions, and delete the original IPTC information from an image. | |
This example uses iptc2xmp.args, which is a file included with the | |
ExifTool distribution that contains the required arguments to convert | |
IPTC information to XMP format. Also included with the distribution | |
are xmp2iptc.args (which performs the inverse conversion) and a few | |
more .args files for other conversions between EXIF, IPTC and XMP. | |
| |
exiftool -tagsfromfile %d%f.CR2 -r -ext JPG dir | |
Recursively rewrite all "JPG" images in "dir" with information copied | |
from the corresponding "CR2" images in the same directories. | |
| |
exiftool '-keywords+ | |
Add camera make to list of keywords. | |
| |
exiftool '-comment | iso Exposure=${shutterspeed}' dir |
Set the Comment tag of all images in "dir" from the values of the | |
EXIF | ISO and ShutterSpeed tags. The resulting comment will be in the |
form "ISO=100 Exposure=1/60". | |
| |
exiftool -TagsFromFile src.jpg -icc_profile dst.jpg | |
Copy ICC_Profile from one image to another. | |
| |
exiftool -TagsFromFile src.jpg -all | all dst.mie |
Copy all meta information in its original form from a JPEG image to a | |
MIE file. The MIE file will be created if it doesn't exist. This | |
technique can be used to store the metadata of an image so it can be | |
inserted back into the image (with the inverse command) later in a | |
workflow. | |
| |
exiftool -o dst.mie -all | all src.jpg |
This command performs exactly the same task as the command above, | |
except that the [1m-o[0m option will not write to an output file that | |
already exists. | |
| |
exiftool -b -jpgfromraw -w %d%f_%ue.jpg -execute -b -previewimage -w | |
%d%f_%ue.jpg -execute -tagsfromfile @ -srcfile %d%f_%ue.jpg | |
-overwrite_original -common_args --ext jpg DIR | |
[Advanced] Extract JpgFromRaw or PreviewImage from all but JPG files | |
in DIR, saving them with file names like "image_EXT.jpg", then add | |
all meta information from the original files to the extracted images. | |
Here, the command line is broken into three sections (separated by | |
[1m-execute[0m options), and each is executed as if it were a separate | |
command. The [1m-common_args[0m option causes the "--ext jpg DIR" arguments | |
to be applied to all three commands, and the [1m-srcfile[0m option allows | |
the extracted JPG image to be the source file for the third command | |
(whereas the RAW files are the source files for the other two | |
commands). | |
| |
By writing the "FileName" and "Directory" tags, files are renamed and/or | |
moved to new directories. This can be particularly useful and powerful for | |
organizing files by date when combined with the [1m-d[0m option. New directories | |
are created as necessary, but existing files will not be overwritten. The | |
format codes %d, %f and %e may be used in the new file name to represent | |
the directory, name and extension of the original file, and %c may be used | |
to add a copy number if the file already exists (see the [1m-w[0m option for | |
details). Note that if used within a date format string, an extra '%' must | |
be added to pass these codes through the date/time parser. (And further | |
note that in a Windows batch file, all '%' characters must also be | |
escaped, so in this extreme case '%%%%f' is necessary to pass a simple | |
'%f' through the two levels of parsing.) See | |
| //> for additional documentation and |
examples. | |
| |
exiftool -filename=new.jpg dir/old.jpg | |
Rename "old.jpg" to "new.jpg" in directory "dir". | |
| |
exiftool -directory=%e dir | |
Move all files from directory "dir" into directories named by the | |
original file extensions. | |
| |
exiftool '-Directory | |
Move all files in "dir" into a directory hierarchy based on year, | |
month and day of "DateTimeOriginal". eg) This command would move the | |
file "dir/image.jpg" with a "DateTimeOriginal" of "2005 | 10:12 |
16 | 05:56" to "2005/10/12/image.jpg". |
| |
exiftool -o . '-Directory | |
Same effect as above except files are copied instead of moved. | |
| |
exiftool '-filename<%f_${model;}.%e' dir | |
Rename all files in "dir" by adding the camera model name to the file | |
name. The semicolon after the tag name inside the braces causes | |
characters which are invalid in Windows file names to be deleted from | |
the tag value (see the "Advanced formatting feature" for an | |
explanation). | |
| |
exiftool '-FileName | |
Rename all images in "dir" according to the "CreateDate" date and | |
time, adding a copy number with leading '-' if the file already | |
exists ("%-c"), and preserving the original file extension (%e). Note | |
the extra '%' necessary to escape the filename codes (%c and %e) in | |
the date format string. | |
| |
exiftool -r '-FileName | |
Both the directory and the filename may be changed together via the | |
"FileName" tag if the new "FileName" contains a '/'. The example | |
above recursively renames all images in a directory by adding a | |
"CreateDate" timestamp to the start of the filename, then moves them | |
into new directories named by date. | |
| |
exiftool '-FileName<${CreateDate}_$filenumber.jpg' -d %Y%m%d -ext jpg . | |
Set the filename of all JPG images in the current directory from the | |
CreateDate and FileNumber tags, in the form "20060507_118-1861.jpg". | |
| |
ExifTool implements geotagging via 3 special tags | Geotag (which for |
convenience is also implemented as an exiftool option), Geosync and | |
Geotime. The examples below highlight some geotagging features. See | |
| //> for additional documentation. |
| |
exiftool -geotag track.log a.jpg | |
Geotag an image ("a.jpg") from position information in a GPS track | |
log ("track.log"). Since the "Geotime" tag is not specified, the | |
value of DateTimeOriginal is used for geotagging. Local system time | |
is assumed unless DateTimeOriginal contains a timezone. | |
| |
exiftool -geotag t.log -geotime='2009 | 04:02 13:41:12-05:00' a.jpg |
Geotag an image with the GPS position for a specific time. | |
| |
exiftool -geotag log.gpx '-xmp | geotime |
Geotag all images in directory "dir" with XMP tags instead of EXIF | |
tags, based on the image CreateDate. | |
| |
exiftool -geotag a.log -geosync=-20 dir | |
Geotag images in directory "dir", accounting for image timestamps | |
which were 20 seconds ahead of GPS. | |
| |
exiftool -geotag a.log -geosync=1.jpg -geosync=2.jpg dir | |
Geotag images using time synchronization from two previously | |
geotagged images (1.jpg and 2.jpg), synchronizing the image and GPS | |
times using a linear time drift correction. | |
| |
exiftool -geotag a.log '-geotime<${createdate}+01 | 00' dir |
Geotag images in "dir" using CreateDate with the specified timezone. | |
If CreateDate already contained a timezone, then the timezone | |
specified on the command line is ignored. | |
| |
exiftool -geotag= a.jpg | |
Delete GPS tags which may have been added by the geotag feature. Note | |
that this does not remove all GPS tags -- to do this instead use | |
"-gps | all=". |
| |
exiftool -xmp | geotag= a.jpg |
Delete XMP GPS tags which were added by the geotag feature. | |
| |
exiftool -xmp | geotag=track.log a.jpg |
Geotag an image with XMP tags, using the time from DateTimeOriginal. | |
| |
exiftool -geotag a.log -geotag b.log -r dir | |
Combine multiple track logs and geotag an entire directory tree of | |
images. | |
| |
exiftool -geotag 'tracks/*.log' -r dir | |
Read all track logs from the "tracks" directory. | |
| |
exiftool -p gpx.fmt -d %Y-%m-%dT%H | %M:%SZ dir > out.gpx |
Generate a GPX track log from all images in directory "dir". This | |
example uses the "gpx.fmt" file included in the full ExifTool | |
distribution package and assumes that the images in "dir" have all | |
been previously geotagged. | |
| |
cat a.jpg | exiftool - | |
Extract information from stdin. | |
| |
exiftool image.jpg -thumbnailimage -b | exiftool - | |
Extract information from an embedded thumbnail image. | |
| |
cat a.jpg | exiftool -iptc | keywords+=fantastic - > b.jpg |
Add an IPTC keyword in a pipeline, saving output to a new file. | |
| |
curl -s http | // | exiftool -fast - |
Extract information from an image over the internet using the cURL | |
utility. The [1m-fast[0m option prevents exiftool from scanning for trailer | |
information, so only the meta information header is transferred. | |
| |
exiftool a.jpg -thumbnailimage -b | exiftool -comment=wow - | exiftool | |
a.jpg -thumbnailimage'<=-' | |
Add a comment to an embedded thumbnail image. (Why anyone would want | |
to do this I don't know, but I've included this as an example to | |
illustrate the flexibility of ExifTool.) | |
| |
Interrupting exiftool with a CTRL-C or SIGINT will not result in partially | |
written files or temporary files remaining on the hard disk. The exiftool | |
application traps SIGINT and defers it until the end of critical processes | |
if necessary, then does a proper cleanup before exiting. | |
| |
[1mEXIT STATUS[0m | |
The exiftool application exits with a status of 0 on success, or 1 if an | |
error occurred, or 2 if all files failed the [1m-if[0m condition (for any of the | |
commands if [1m-execute[0m was used). | |
| |
[1mAUTHOR[0m | |
Copyright 2003-2021, Phil Harvey | |
| |
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the | |
same terms as Perl itself. | |
| |
[1mSEE ALSO[0m | |
Image | :ExifTool(3pm), Image::ExifTool::TagNames(3pm), |
Image | :ExifTool::Shortcuts(3pm), |
| |